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Seq Module

Contains operations for working with values of type seq.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

Seq.allPairs source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.allPairs source1 source2

    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second sequence.

Returns: ('T1 * 'T2) seq The result sequence.

Returns a new sequence that contains all pairings of elements from the first and second sequences.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second sequence.

Returns: ('T1 * 'T2) seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 ([1; 2], [3; 4]) ||> Seq.allPairs
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val allPairs: source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> ('T1 * 'T2) seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as
 seq { (1, 3); (1, 4); (2, 3); (2, 4) }
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>

Seq.append source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.append source1 source2

    source1 : 'T seq - The first sequence.
    source2 : 'T seq - The second sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Wraps the two given enumerations as a single concatenated enumeration.

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently.

source1 : 'T seq

The first sequence.

source2 : 'T seq

The second sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the two provided sequences is null.

 Seq.append [1; 2] [3; 4]
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val append: source1: 'T seq -> source2: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3; 4 }

Seq.average source

Full Usage: Seq.average source

    source : ^T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: ^T The average.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^T

Returns the average of the elements in the sequence.

The elements are averaged using the + operator, DivideByInt method and Zero property associated with the element type.

source : ^T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: ^T

The average.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence has zero elements.

 [1.0; 2.0; 3.0] |> Seq.average
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val average: source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires member (+) and member DivideByInt and member Zero)
Evaluates to 2.0


 [] |> Seq.average
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val average: source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires member (+) and member DivideByInt and member Zero)
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.averageBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.averageBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> ^U - A function applied to transform each element of the sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: ^U The average.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, ^U

Returns the average of the results generated by applying the function to each element of the sequence.

The elements are averaged using the + operator, DivideByInt method and Zero property associated with the generated type.

projection : 'T -> ^U

A function applied to transform each element of the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: ^U

The average.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence has zero elements.

 type Foo = { Bar: float }

 let input = seq { {Bar = 2.0}; {Bar = 4.0} }

 input |> Seq.averageBy (fun foo -> foo.Bar)
type Foo = { Bar: float }
Multiple items
val float: value: 'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)

type float = System.Double

type float<'Measure> = float
val input: Foo seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val averageBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U (requires member (+) and member DivideByInt and member Zero)
val foo: Foo
Foo.Bar: float
Evaluates to 3.0


 type Foo = { Bar: float }

 Seq.empty |> Seq.averageBy (fun (foo: Foo) -> foo.Bar)
type Foo = { Bar: float }
Multiple items
val float: value: 'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)

type float = System.Double

type float<'Measure> = float
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val empty<'T> : 'T seq
val averageBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U (requires member (+) and member DivideByInt and member Zero)
val foo: Foo
Foo.Bar: float
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.cache source

Full Usage: Seq.cache source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that corresponds to a cached version of the input sequence.

The result sequence will have the same elements as the input sequence. The result can be enumerated multiple times. The input sequence will be enumerated at most once and only as far as is necessary. Caching a sequence is typically useful when repeatedly evaluating items in the original sequence is computationally expensive or if iterating the sequence causes side-effects that the user does not want to be repeated multiple times. Enumeration of the result sequence is thread safe in the sense that multiple independent IEnumerator values may be used simultaneously from different threads (accesses to the internal lookaside table are thread safe). Each individual IEnumerator is not typically thread safe and should not be accessed concurrently. Once enumeration of the input sequence has started, it's enumerator will be kept live by this object until the enumeration has completed. At that point, the enumerator will be disposed. The enumerator may be disposed and underlying cache storage released by converting the returned sequence object to type IDisposable, and calling the Dispose method on this object. The sequence object may then be re-enumerated and a fresh enumerator will be used.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let fibSeq =(0, 1) |> Seq.unfold (fun (a,b) -> Some(a + b, (b, a + b)))

 let fibSeq3 = fibSeq |> Seq.take 3 |> Seq.cache
val fibSeq: int seq
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val unfold: generator: ('State -> ('T * 'State) option) -> state: 'State -> 'T seq
val a: int
val b: int
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val fibSeq3: int seq
val take: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
val cache: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3 }, and it will not do the calculation again when called.

Seq.cast source

Full Usage: Seq.cast source

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Wraps a loosely-typed System.Collections sequence as a typed sequence.

The use of this function usually requires a type annotation. An incorrect type annotation may result in runtime type errors. Individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently.

source : IEnumerable

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 [box 1; box 2; box 3] |> Seq.cast<int>
val box: value: 'T -> obj
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val cast: source: System.Collections.IEnumerable -> 'T seq
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3 }, explicitly typed as seq<int>.

Seq.choose chooser source

Full Usage: Seq.choose chooser source

    chooser : 'T -> 'U option - A function to transform items of type T into options of type U.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence of type T.

Returns: 'U seq The result sequence.

Applies the given function to each element of the sequence. Returns a sequence comprised of the results "x" for each element where the function returns Some(x).

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently.

chooser : 'T -> 'U option

A function to transform items of type T into options of type U.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence of type T.

Returns: 'U seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 [Some 1; None; Some 2] |> Seq.choose id
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val choose: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U seq
val id: x: 'T -> 'T
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2 }


 [1; 2; 3] |> Seq.choose (fun n -> if n % 2 = 0 then Some n else None)
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val choose: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U seq
val n: int
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 2 }

Seq.chunkBySize chunkSize source

Full Usage: Seq.chunkBySize chunkSize source

    chunkSize : int - The maximum size of each chunk.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array seq The sequence divided into chunks.

Divides the input sequence into chunks of size at most chunkSize.

chunkSize : int

The maximum size of each chunk.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array seq

The sequence divided into chunks.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when chunkSize is not positive.

 [1; 2; 3] |> Seq.chunkBySize 2
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val chunkBySize: chunkSize: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T array seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { [|1; 2|]; [|3|] }


 [1; 2; 3] |> Seq.chunkBySize -2
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val chunkBySize: chunkSize: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T array seq
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.collect mapping source

Full Usage: Seq.collect mapping source

    mapping : 'T -> 'Collection - A function to transform elements of the input sequence into the sequences that will then be concatenated.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq The result sequence.

Applies the given function to each element of the sequence and concatenates all the results.

Remember sequence is lazy, effects are delayed until it is enumerated.

mapping : 'T -> 'Collection

A function to transform elements of the input sequence into the sequences that will then be concatenated.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 type Foo = { Bar: int seq }

 let input = seq { {Bar = [1; 2]}; {Bar = [3; 4]} }

 input |> Seq.collect (fun foo -> foo.Bar)
type Foo = { Bar: int seq }
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
val input: Foo seq
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val collect: mapping: ('T -> #('U seq)) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U seq
val foo: Foo
Foo.Bar: int seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3; 4 }


 let input = [[1; 2]; [3; 4]]

 input |> Seq.collect id
val input: int list list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val collect: mapping: ('T -> #('U seq)) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U seq
val id: x: 'T -> 'T
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3; 4 }

Seq.compareWith comparer source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.compareWith comparer source1 source2

    comparer : 'T -> 'T -> int - A function that takes an element from each sequence and returns an int. If it evaluates to a non-zero value iteration is stopped and that value is returned.
    source1 : 'T seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T seq - The second input sequence.

Returns: int Returns the first non-zero result from the comparison function. If the end of a sequence is reached it returns a -1 if the first sequence is shorter and a 1 if the second sequence is shorter.

Compares two sequences using the given comparison function, element by element.

comparer : 'T -> 'T -> int

A function that takes an element from each sequence and returns an int. If it evaluates to a non-zero value iteration is stopped and that value is returned.

source1 : 'T seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T seq

The second input sequence.

Returns: int

Returns the first non-zero result from the comparison function. If the end of a sequence is reached it returns a -1 if the first sequence is shorter and a 1 if the second sequence is shorter.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 let closerToNextDozen a b =
   (a % 12).CompareTo(b % 12)

 let input1 = [1; 10]
 let input2 = [1; 10]

 (input1, input2) ||> Seq.compareWith closerToNextDozen
val closerToNextDozen: a: int -> b: int -> int
val a: int
val b: int
val input1: int list
val input2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val compareWith: comparer: ('T -> 'T -> int) -> source1: 'T seq -> source2: 'T seq -> int
Evaluates to 0


 let closerToNextDozen a b =
   (a % 12).CompareTo(b % 12)

 let input1 = [1; 5]
 let input2 = [1; 8]

 (input1, input2) ||> Seq.compareWith closerToNextDozen
val closerToNextDozen: a: int -> b: int -> int
val a: int
val b: int
val input1: int list
val input2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val compareWith: comparer: ('T -> 'T -> int) -> source1: 'T seq -> source2: 'T seq -> int
Evaluates to -1


 let closerToNextDozen a b =
   (a % 12).CompareTo(b % 12)

 let input1 = [1; 11]
 let input2 = [1; 13]

 (input1, input2) ||> Seq.compareWith closerToNextDozen
val closerToNextDozen: a: int -> b: int -> int
val a: int
val b: int
val input1: int list
val input2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val compareWith: comparer: ('T -> 'T -> int) -> source1: 'T seq -> source2: 'T seq -> int
Evaluates to 1


 let closerToNextDozen a b =
   (a % 12).CompareTo(b % 12)

 let input1 = [1; 2]
 let input2 = [1]

 (input1, input2) ||> Seq.compareWith closerToNextDozen
val closerToNextDozen: a: int -> b: int -> int
val a: int
val b: int
val input1: int list
val input2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val compareWith: comparer: ('T -> 'T -> int) -> source1: 'T seq -> source2: 'T seq -> int
Evaluates to 1


 let closerToNextDozen a b =
   (a % 12).CompareTo(b % 12)

 let input1 = [1]
 let input2 = [1; 2]

 (input1, input2) ||> Seq.compareWith closerToNextDozen
val closerToNextDozen: a: int -> b: int -> int
val a: int
val b: int
val input1: int list
val input2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val compareWith: comparer: ('T -> 'T -> int) -> source1: 'T seq -> source2: 'T seq -> int
Evaluates to -1

Seq.concat sources

Full Usage: Seq.concat sources

    sources : 'Collection seq - The input enumeration-of-enumerations.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Combines the given enumeration-of-enumerations as a single concatenated enumeration.

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently.

sources : 'Collection seq

The input enumeration-of-enumerations.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = [[1; 2]; [3]; [4; 5]]

 inputs |> Seq.concat
val inputs: int list list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val concat: sources: #('T seq) seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 }

Seq.contains value source

Full Usage: Seq.contains value source

    value : 'T - The value to locate in the input sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: bool True if the input sequence contains the specified element; false otherwise.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Tests if the sequence contains the specified element.

value : 'T

The value to locate in the input sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: bool

True if the input sequence contains the specified element; false otherwise.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 [1; 2] |> Seq.contains 2 // evaluates to true
 [1; 2] |> Seq.contains 5 // evaluates to false
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val contains: value: 'T -> source: 'T seq -> bool (requires equality)

Seq.countBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.countBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> 'Key - A function transforming each item of the input sequence into a key to be compared against the others.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: ('Key * int) seq The result sequence.

Applies a key-generating function to each element of a sequence and returns a sequence yielding unique keys and their number of occurrences in the original sequence.

Note that this function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the original sequence.

projection : 'T -> 'Key

A function transforming each item of the input sequence into a key to be compared against the others.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: ('Key * int) seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 type Foo = { Bar: string }

 let inputs = [{Bar = "a"}; {Bar = "b"}; {Bar = "a"}]

 inputs |> Seq.countBy (fun foo -> foo.Bar)
type Foo = { Bar: string }
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
val inputs: Foo list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val countBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> source: 'T seq -> ('Key * int) seq (requires equality)
val foo: Foo
Foo.Bar: string
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { ("a", 2); ("b", 1) }

Seq.delay generator

Full Usage: Seq.delay generator

    generator : unit -> 'T seq - The generating function for the sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that is built from the given delayed specification of a sequence.

The input function is evaluated each time an IEnumerator for the sequence is requested.

generator : unit -> 'T seq

The generating function for the sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.


 Seq.delay (fun () -> Seq.ofList [1; 2; 3])
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val delay: generator: (unit -> 'T seq) -> 'T seq
val ofList: source: 'T list -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3 }, executing the generator function every time is consumed.

Seq.distinct source

Full Usage: Seq.distinct source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that contains no duplicate entries according to generic hash and equality comparisons on the entries. If an element occurs multiple times in the sequence then the later occurrences are discarded.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 [1; 1; 2; 3] |> Seq.distinct
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val distinct: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq (requires equality)
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3 }

Seq.distinctBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.distinctBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> 'Key - A function transforming the sequence items into comparable keys.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that contains no duplicate entries according to the generic hash and equality comparisons on the keys returned by the given key-generating function. If an element occurs multiple times in the sequence then the later occurrences are discarded.

projection : 'T -> 'Key

A function transforming the sequence items into comparable keys.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = [{Bar = 1 };{Bar = 1}; {Bar = 2}; {Bar = 3}]

 inputs |> Seq.distinctBy (fun foo -> foo.Bar)
val inputs: 'a list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val distinctBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq (requires equality)
val foo: obj
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { { Bar = 1 }; { Bar = 2 }; { Bar = 3 } }


Full Usage: Seq.empty

Returns: 'T seq An empty sequence.

Creates an empty sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

An empty sequence.


 Seq.empty // Evaluates to seq { }
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val empty<'T> : 'T seq

Seq.exactlyOne source

Full Usage: Seq.exactlyOne source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The only element of the sequence.

Returns the only element of the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The only element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input does not have precisely one element.

 let inputs = ["banana"]

 inputs |> Seq.exactlyOne
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val exactlyOne: source: 'T seq -> 'T
Evaluates to banana


 let inputs = ["pear"; "banana"]

 inputs |> Seq.exactlyOne
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val exactlyOne: source: 'T seq -> 'T
Throws ArgumentException


 [] |> Seq.exactlyOne
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val exactlyOne: source: 'T seq -> 'T
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.except itemsToExclude source

Full Usage: Seq.except itemsToExclude source

    itemsToExclude : 'T seq - A sequence whose elements that also occur in the second sequence will cause those elements to be removed from the returned sequence.
    source : 'T seq - A sequence whose elements that are not also in first will be returned.

Returns: 'T seq A sequence that contains the set difference of the elements of two sequences.

Returns a new sequence with the distinct elements of the second sequence which do not appear in the first sequence, using generic hash and equality comparisons to compare values.

Note that this function returns a sequence that digests the whole of the first input sequence as soon as the result sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences in the first parameter. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the first input sequence.

itemsToExclude : 'T seq

A sequence whose elements that also occur in the second sequence will cause those elements to be removed from the returned sequence.

source : 'T seq

A sequence whose elements that are not also in first will be returned.

Returns: 'T seq

A sequence that contains the set difference of the elements of two sequences.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the two input sequences is null.

 let original = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
 let itemsToExclude = [1; 3; 5]

 original |> Seq.except itemsToExclude
val original: int list
val itemsToExclude: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val except: itemsToExclude: 'T seq -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq (requires equality)
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 2; 4 }

Seq.exists predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.exists predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test each item of the input sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: bool True if any result from the predicate is true; false otherwise.

Tests if any element of the sequence satisfies the given predicate.

The predicate is applied to the elements of the input sequence. If any application returns true then the overall result is true and no further elements are tested. Otherwise, false is returned.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test each item of the input sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: bool

True if any result from the predicate is true; false otherwise.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 input |> Seq.exists (fun elm -> elm % 4 = 0)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val exists: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> bool
val elm: int
Evaluates to true


 let input = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 input |> Seq.exists (fun elm -> elm % 6 = 0)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val exists: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> bool
val elm: int
Evaluates to false

Seq.exists2 predicate source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.exists2 predicate source1 source2

    predicate : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> bool - A function to test each pair of items from the input sequences.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Returns: bool True if any result from the predicate is true; false otherwise.

Tests if any pair of corresponding elements of the input sequences satisfies the given predicate.

The predicate is applied to matching elements in the two sequences up to the lesser of the two lengths of the collections. If any application returns true then the overall result is true and no further elements are tested. Otherwise, false is returned. If one sequence is shorter than the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored.

predicate : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> bool

A function to test each pair of items from the input sequences.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

Returns: bool

True if any result from the predicate is true; false otherwise.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the two input sequences is null.

 let inputs1 = [1; 2]
 let inputs2 = [1; 2; 0]

 (inputs1, inputs2) ||> Seq.exists2 (fun a b -> a > b)
val inputs1: int list
val inputs2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val exists2: predicate: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> bool) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> bool
val a: int
val b: int
Evaluates to false


 let inputs1 = [1; 4]
 let inputs2 = [1; 3; 5]

 (inputs1, inputs2) ||> Seq.exists2 (fun a b -> a > b)
val inputs1: int list
val inputs2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val exists2: predicate: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> bool) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> bool
val a: int
val b: int
Evaluates to true

Seq.filter predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.filter predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test whether each item in the input sequence should be included in the output.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a new collection containing only the elements of the collection for which the given predicate returns "true". This is a synonym for Seq.where.

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently. Remember sequence is lazy, effects are delayed until it is enumerated.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test whether each item in the input sequence should be included in the output.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4]

 inputs |> Seq.filter (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val filter: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
val elm: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 2; 4 }

Seq.find predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.find predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test whether an item in the sequence should be returned.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The first element for which the predicate returns True.

Returns the first element for which the given function returns True.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test whether an item in the sequence should be returned.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The first element for which the predicate returns True.

KeyNotFoundException Thrown if no element returns true when evaluated by the predicate
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3]

 inputs |> Seq.find (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val find: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
val elm: int
Evaluates to 2


 let inputs = [1; 2; 3]

 inputs |> Seq.find (fun elm -> elm % 6 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val find: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
val elm: int
Throws KeyNotFoundException

Seq.findBack predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.findBack predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test whether an item in the sequence should be returned.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The last element for which the predicate returns True.

Returns the last element for which the given function returns True.

This function digests the whole initial sequence as soon as it is called. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test whether an item in the sequence should be returned.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The last element for which the predicate returns True.

KeyNotFoundException Thrown if no element returns true when evaluated by the predicate
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null

 let inputs = [2; 3; 4]

 inputs |> Seq.findBack (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val findBack: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
val elm: int
Evaluates to 4


 let inputs = [2; 3; 4]

 inputs |> Seq.findBack (fun elm -> elm % 6 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val findBack: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
val elm: int
Throws KeyNotFoundException

Seq.findIndex predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.findIndex predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test whether the index of a particular element should be returned.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: int The index of the first element for which the predicate returns True.

Returns the index of the first element for which the given function returns True.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test whether the index of a particular element should be returned.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: int

The index of the first element for which the predicate returns True.

KeyNotFoundException Thrown if no element returns true when evaluated by the predicate
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.findIndex (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val findIndex: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int
val elm: int
Evaluates to 1


 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
 inputs |> Seq.findIndex (fun elm -> elm % 6 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val findIndex: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int
val elm: int
Throws KeyNotFoundException

Seq.findIndexBack predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.findIndexBack predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test whether the index of a particular element should be returned.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: int The index of the last element for which the predicate returns True.

Returns the index of the last element for which the given function returns True.

This function digests the whole initial sequence as soon as it is called. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test whether the index of a particular element should be returned.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: int

The index of the last element for which the predicate returns True.

KeyNotFoundException Thrown if no element returns true when evaluated by the predicate
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null

 let input = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 input |> Seq.findIndex (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val findIndex: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int
val elm: int
Evaluates to 3


 let input = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 input |> Seq.findIndex (fun elm -> elm % 6 = 0)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val findIndex: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int
val elm: int
Throws KeyNotFoundException

Seq.fold folder state source

Full Usage: Seq.fold folder state source

    folder : 'State -> 'T -> 'State - A function that updates the state with each element from the sequence.
    state : 'State - The initial state.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'State The state object after the folding function is applied to each element of the sequence.

Applies a function to each element of the collection, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN then computes f (... (f s i0)...) iN

folder : 'State -> 'T -> 'State

A function that updates the state with each element from the sequence.

state : 'State

The initial state.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'State

The state object after the folding function is applied to each element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 type Charge =
     | In of int
     | Out of int

 let inputs = [In 1; Out 2; In 3]

 (0, inputs) ||> Seq.fold (fun acc charge ->
     match charge with
     | In i -> acc + i
     | Out o -> acc - o)
type Charge = | In of int | Out of int
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val inputs: Charge list
union case Charge.In: int -> Charge
union case Charge.Out: int -> Charge
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val fold<'T,'State> : folder: ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> state: 'State -> source: 'T seq -> 'State
val acc: int
val charge: Charge
val i: int
val o: int
Evaluates to 2

Seq.fold2 folder state source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.fold2 folder state source1 source2

    folder : 'State -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State - The function to update the state given the input elements.
    state : 'State - The initial state.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Returns: 'State The final state value.

Applies a function to corresponding elements of two collections, threading an accumulator argument through the computation.

The two sequences need not have equal lengths: when one sequence is exhausted any remaining elements in the other sequence are ignored. If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN and j0...jN then computes f (... (f s i0 j0)...) iN jN.

folder : 'State -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State

The function to update the state given the input elements.

state : 'State

The initial state.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

Returns: 'State

The final state value.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the either of the input sequences is null.

 type CoinToss = Head | Tails

 let data1 = [Tails; Head; Tails]
 let data2 = [Tails; Head; Head]

 (0, data1, data2) |||> Seq.fold2 (fun acc a b ->
     match (a, b) with
     | Head, Head -> acc + 1
     | Tails, Tails -> acc + 1
     | _ -> acc - 1)
type CoinToss = | Head | Tails
val data1: CoinToss list
union case CoinToss.Tails: CoinToss
union case CoinToss.Head: CoinToss
val data2: CoinToss list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val fold2<'T1,'T2,'State> : folder: ('State -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State) -> state: 'State -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> 'State
val acc: int
val a: CoinToss
val b: CoinToss
Evaluates to 1

Seq.foldBack folder source state

Full Usage: Seq.foldBack folder source state

    folder : 'T -> 'State -> 'State - The function to update the state given the input elements.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.
    state : 'State - The initial state.

Returns: 'State The state object after the folding function is applied to each element of the sequence.

Applies a function to each element of the collection, starting from the end, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN then computes f i0 (... (f iN s)...)

This function consumes the whole input sequence before returning the result.

folder : 'T -> 'State -> 'State

The function to update the state given the input elements.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

state : 'State

The initial state.

Returns: 'State

The state object after the folding function is applied to each element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 type Count =
   { Positive: int
     Negative: int
     Text: string }

 let sequence = [1; 0; -1; -2; 3]
 let initialState = {Positive = 0; Negative = 0; Text = ""}

 (sequence, initialState) ||> Seq.foldBack (fun a acc  ->
     let text = acc.Text + " " + string a
     if a >= 0 then
         { acc with
             Positive = acc.Positive + 1
             Text = text }
         { acc with
             Negative = acc.Negative + 1
             Text = text })
type Count = { Positive: int Negative: int Text: string }
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
val sequence: int list
val initialState: Count
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val foldBack: folder: ('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> source: 'T seq -> state: 'State -> 'State
val a: int
val acc: Count
val text: string
Count.Text: string
Count.Positive: int
Count.Negative: int
Evaluates to
 { Positive = 2
   Negative = 3
   Text = " 3 -2 -1 0 1" }
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Text

Seq.foldBack2 folder source1 source2 state

Full Usage: Seq.foldBack2 folder source1 source2 state

    folder : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State -> 'State - The function to update the state given the input elements.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.
    state : 'State - The initial state.

Returns: 'State The final state value.

Applies a function to corresponding elements of two collections, starting from the end of the shorter collection, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. The two sequences need not have equal lengths. If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN and j0...jM, N < M then computes f i0 j0 (... (f iN jN s)...).

This function consumes the whole of both inputs sequences before returning the result. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

folder : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State -> 'State

The function to update the state given the input elements.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

state : 'State

The initial state.

Returns: 'State

The final state value.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the either of the input sequences is null.

 type Count =
   { Positive: int
     Negative: int
     Text: string }

 let inputs1 = [-1; -2; -3]
 let inputs2 = [3; 2; 1; 0]
 let initialState = {Positive = 0; Negative = 0; Text = ""}

 (inputs1, inputs2, initialState) |||> Seq.foldBack2 (fun a b acc  ->
     let text = acc.Text + "(" + string a + "," + string b + ") "
     if a + b >= 0 then
         { acc with
             Positive = acc.Positive + 1
             Text = text }
         { acc with
             Negative = acc.Negative + 1
             Text = text }
type Count = { Positive: int Negative: int Text: string }
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
val inputs1: int list
val inputs2: int list
val initialState: Count
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val foldBack2: folder: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> 'State -> 'State) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> state: 'State -> 'State
val a: int
val b: int
val acc: Count
val text: string
Count.Text: string
Count.Positive: int
Count.Negative: int
Evaluates to
 { Positive = 2
   Negative = 1
   Text = " (-3,1) (-2,2) (-1,3)" }
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Text

Seq.forall predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.forall predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test an element of the input sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: bool True if every element of the sequence satisfies the predicate; false otherwise.

Tests if all elements of the sequence satisfy the given predicate.

The predicate is applied to the elements of the input sequence. If any application returns false then the overall result is false and no further elements are tested. Otherwise, true is returned.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test an element of the input sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: bool

True if every element of the sequence satisfies the predicate; false otherwise.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let isEven a = a % 2 = 0

 [2; 42] |> Seq.forall isEven // evaluates to true

 [1; 2] |> Seq.forall isEven // evaluates to false
val isEven: a: int -> bool
val a: int
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val forall: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> bool

Seq.forall2 predicate source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.forall2 predicate source1 source2

    predicate : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> bool - A function to test pairs of elements from the input sequences.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Returns: bool True if all pairs satisfy the predicate; false otherwise.

Tests the all pairs of elements drawn from the two sequences satisfy the given predicate. If one sequence is shorter than the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored.

predicate : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> bool

A function to test pairs of elements from the input sequences.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

Returns: bool

True if all pairs satisfy the predicate; false otherwise.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 let inputs1 = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]
 let inputs2 = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 (inputs1, inputs2)  ||> Seq.forall2 (=)
val inputs1: int list
val inputs2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val forall2: predicate: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> bool) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> bool
Evaluates to true.


 let items1 = [2017; 1; 1]
 let items2 = [2019; 19; 8]

 (items1, items2) ||> Seq.forall2 (=)
val items1: int list
val items2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val forall2: predicate: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> bool) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> bool
Evaluates to false.

Seq.groupBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.groupBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> 'Key - A function that transforms an element of the sequence into a comparable key.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: ('Key * 'T seq) seq The result sequence.

Applies a key-generating function to each element of a sequence and yields a sequence of unique keys. Each unique key contains a sequence of all elements that match to this key.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the original sequence.

projection : 'T -> 'Key

A function that transforms an element of the sequence into a comparable key.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: ('Key * 'T seq) seq

The result sequence.


 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.groupBy (fun n -> n % 2)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val groupBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> source: 'T seq -> ('Key * 'T seq) seq (requires equality)
val n: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { (1, seq { 1; 3; 5 }); (0, seq { 2; 4 }) }

Seq.head source

Full Usage: Seq.head source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The first element of the sequence.

Returns the first element of the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The first element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input does not have any elements.

 let inputs = ["banana"; "pear"]

 inputs |> Seq.head
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val head: source: 'T seq -> 'T
Evaluates to banana


 [] |> Seq.head
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val head: source: 'T seq -> 'T
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.indexed source

Full Usage: Seq.indexed source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: (int * 'T) seq The result sequence.

Builds a new collection whose elements are the corresponding elements of the input collection paired with the integer index (from 0) of each element.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: (int * 'T) seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 ["a"; "b"; "c"] |> Seq.indexed
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val indexed: source: 'T seq -> (int * 'T) seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { (0, "a"); (1, "b"); (2, "c") }

Seq.init count initializer

Full Usage: Seq.init count initializer

    count : int - The maximum number of items to generate for the sequence.
    initializer : int -> 'T - A function that generates an item in the sequence from a given index.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Generates a new sequence which, when iterated, will return successive elements by calling the given function, up to the given count. Each element is saved after its initialization. The function is passed the index of the item being generated.

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently.

count : int

The maximum number of items to generate for the sequence.

initializer : int -> 'T

A function that generates an item in the sequence from a given index.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentException Thrown when count is negative.

 Seq.init 4 (fun v -> v + 5)
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val init: count: int -> initializer: (int -> 'T) -> 'T seq
val v: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 5; 6; 7; 8 }


 Seq.init -5 (fun v -> v + 5)
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val init: count: int -> initializer: (int -> 'T) -> 'T seq
val v: int
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.initInfinite initializer

Full Usage: Seq.initInfinite initializer

    initializer : int -> 'T - A function that generates an item in the sequence from a given index.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Generates a new sequence which, when iterated, will return successive elements by calling the given function. The results of calling the function will not be saved, that is the function will be reapplied as necessary to regenerate the elements. The function is passed the index of the item being generated.

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently. Iteration can continue up to Int32.MaxValue.

initializer : int -> 'T

A function that generates an item in the sequence from a given index.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.


 (+) 5 |> Seq.initInfinite
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val initInfinite: initializer: (int -> 'T) -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 5; 6; 7; 8; ... }

Seq.insertAt index value source

Full Usage: Seq.insertAt index value source

    index : int - The index where the item should be inserted.
    value : 'T - The value to insert.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence with a new item inserted before the given index.

index : int

The index where the item should be inserted.

value : 'T

The value to insert.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentException Thrown when index is below 0 or greater than source.Length.

 seq { 0; 1; 2 } |> Seq.insertAt 1 9
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val insertAt: index: int -> value: 'T -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 0; 9; 1; 2 }.

Seq.insertManyAt index values source

Full Usage: Seq.insertManyAt index values source

    index : int - The index where the items should be inserted.
    values : 'T seq - The values to insert.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence with new items inserted before the given index.

index : int

The index where the items should be inserted.

values : 'T seq

The values to insert.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentException Thrown when index is below 0 or greater than source.Length.

     seq { 0; 1; 2 } |> Seq.insertManyAt 1 [8; 9]
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val insertManyAt: index: int -> values: 'T seq -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 0; 8; 9; 1; 2 }.

Seq.isEmpty source

Full Usage: Seq.isEmpty source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: bool True if the sequence is empty; false otherwise.

Returns true if the sequence contains no elements, false otherwise.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: bool

True if the sequence is empty; false otherwise.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 [] |> Seq.isEmpty
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val isEmpty: source: 'T seq -> bool
Evaluates to true


 ["pear"; "banana"] |> Seq.isEmpty
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val isEmpty: source: 'T seq -> bool
Evaluates to false

Seq.item index source

Full Usage: Seq.item index source

    index : int - The index of the element to retrieve.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The element at the specified index of the sequence.

Computes the element at the specified index in the collection.

index : int

The index of the element to retrieve.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The element at the specified index of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the index is negative or the input sequence does not contain enough elements.

 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"]

 inputs |> Seq.item 1
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val item: index: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
Evaluates to "b"


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"]

 inputs |> Seq.item 4
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val item: index: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.iter action source

Full Usage: Seq.iter action source

    action : 'T -> unit - A function to apply to each element of the sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Applies the given function to each element of the collection.

action : 'T -> unit

A function to apply to each element of the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 ["a"; "b"; "c"] |> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val iter: action: ('T -> unit) -> source: 'T seq -> unit
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
Evaluates to unit and prints
in the console.

Seq.iter2 action source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.iter2 action source1 source2

    action : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> unit - A function to apply to each pair of elements from the input sequences.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Applies the given function to two collections simultaneously. If one sequence is shorter than the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored.

action : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> unit

A function to apply to each pair of elements from the input sequences.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 let inputs1 = ["a"; "b"; "c"]
 let inputs2 = [1; 2; 3]

 (inputs1, inputs2) ||> Seq.iter2 (printfn "%s: %i")
val inputs1: string list
val inputs2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val iter2: action: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> unit) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> unit
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
Evaluates to unit and prints
 a: 1
 b: 2
 c: 3
in the console.

Seq.iteri action source

Full Usage: Seq.iteri action source

    action : int -> 'T -> unit - A function to apply to each element of the sequence that can also access the current index.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Applies the given function to each element of the collection. The integer passed to the function indicates the index of element.

action : int -> 'T -> unit

A function to apply to each element of the sequence that can also access the current index.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"]

 inputs |> Seq.iteri (fun i v -> printfn "{i}: {v}")
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val iteri: action: (int -> 'T -> unit) -> source: 'T seq -> unit
val i: int
val v: string
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
Evaluates to unit and prints
 0: a
 1: b
 2: c
in the console.

Seq.iteri2 action source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.iteri2 action source1 source2

    action : int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> unit - A function to apply to each pair of elements from the input sequences along with their index.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Applies the given function to two collections simultaneously. If one sequence is shorter than the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored. The integer passed to the function indicates the index of element.

action : int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> unit

A function to apply to each pair of elements from the input sequences along with their index.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 let inputs1 = ["a"; "b"; "c"]
 let inputs2 = ["banana"; "pear"; "apple"]

 (inputs1, inputs2) ||> Seq.iteri2 (fun i s1 s2 -> printfn "Index {i}: {s1} - {s2}")
val inputs1: string list
val inputs2: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val iteri2: action: (int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> unit) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> unit
val i: int
val s1: string
val s2: string
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
Evaluates to unit and prints
 Index 0: a - banana
 Index 1: b - pear
 Index 2: c - apple
in the console.

Seq.last source

Full Usage: Seq.last source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The last element of the sequence.

Returns the last element of the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The last element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input does not have any elements.

 ["pear"; "banana"] |> Seq.last
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val last: source: 'T seq -> 'T
Evaluates to banana


 [] |> Seq.last
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val last: source: 'T seq -> 'T
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.length source

Full Usage: Seq.length source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: int The length of the sequence.

Returns the length of the sequence

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: int

The length of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"]

 inputs |> Seq.length
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val length: source: 'T seq -> int
Evaluates to 3

Seq.map mapping source

Full Usage: Seq.map mapping source

    mapping : 'T -> 'U - A function to transform items from the input sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq The result sequence.

Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the collection. The given function will be applied as elements are demanded using the MoveNext method on enumerators retrieved from the object.

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently.

mapping : 'T -> 'U

A function to transform items from the input sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = ["a"; "bbb"; "cc"]

 inputs |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.Length)
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val map: mapping: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U seq
val x: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 3; 2 }

Seq.map2 mapping source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.map2 mapping source1 source2

    mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U - A function to transform pairs of items from the input sequences.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq The result sequence.

Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to the corresponding pairs of elements from the two sequences. If one input sequence is shorter than the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored.

mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U

A function to transform pairs of items from the input sequences.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 let inputs1 = ["a"; "bad"; "good"]
 let inputs2 = [0; 2; 1]

 (inputs1, inputs2) ||> Seq.map2 (fun x y -> x.[y])
val inputs1: string list
val inputs2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val map2: mapping: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> 'U seq
val x: string
val y: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 'a'; 'd'; 'o' }

Seq.map3 mapping source1 source2 source3

Full Usage: Seq.map3 mapping source1 source2 source3

    mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'U - The function to transform triples of elements from the input sequences.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.
    source3 : 'T3 seq - The third input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq The result sequence.

Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to the corresponding triples of elements from the three sequences. If one input sequence if shorter than the others then the remaining elements of the longer sequences are ignored.

mapping : 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'U

The function to transform triples of elements from the input sequences.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

source3 : 'T3 seq

The third input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when any of the input sequences is null.

 let inputs1 = [ "a"; "t"; "ti" ]
 let inputs2 = [ "l"; "h"; "m" ]
 let inputs3 = [ "l"; "e"; "e" ]

 (inputs1, inputs2, inputs3) |||> Seq.map3 (fun x y z -> x + y + z)
val inputs1: string list
val inputs2: string list
val inputs3: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val map3: mapping: ('T1 -> 'T2 -> 'T3 -> 'U) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> source3: 'T3 seq -> 'U seq
val x: string
val y: string
val z: string
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "all"; "the"; "time" }

Seq.mapFold mapping state source

Full Usage: Seq.mapFold mapping state source

    mapping : 'State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State - The function to transform elements from the input collection and accumulate the final value.
    state : 'State - The initial state.
    source : 'T seq - The input collection.

Returns: 'Result seq * 'State The collection of transformed elements, and the final accumulated value.

Combines map and fold. Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the collection. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.

This function digests the whole initial sequence as soon as it is called. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

mapping : 'State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State

The function to transform elements from the input collection and accumulate the final value.

state : 'State

The initial state.

source : 'T seq

The input collection.

Returns: 'Result seq * 'State

The collection of transformed elements, and the final accumulated value.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input collection is null.

Accumulate the charges, and double them as well
 type Charge =
     | In of int
     | Out of int

 let inputs = seq { In 1; Out 2; In 3 }

 let newCharges, balance =
     (0, inputs) ||> Seq.mapFold (fun acc charge ->
         match charge with
         | In i -> In (i*2), acc + i
         | Out o -> Out (o*2), acc - o)
Multiple items
val double: value: 'T -> double (requires member op_Explicit)

type double = System.Double

type double<'Measure> = float<'Measure>
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val mapFold<'T,'State,'Result> : mapping: ('State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State) -> state: 'State -> source: 'T seq -> 'Result seq * 'State
Evaluates newCharges to seq { In 2; Out 4; In 6 } and balance to 2.

Seq.mapFoldBack mapping source state

Full Usage: Seq.mapFoldBack mapping source state

    mapping : 'T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State - The function to transform elements from the input collection and accumulate the final value.
    source : 'T seq - The input collection.
    state : 'State - The initial state.

Returns: 'Result seq * 'State The collection of transformed elements, and the final accumulated value.

Combines map and foldBack. Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the collection. The function is also used to accumulate a final value.

This function digests the whole initial sequence as soon as it is called. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

mapping : 'T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State

The function to transform elements from the input collection and accumulate the final value.

source : 'T seq

The input collection.

state : 'State

The initial state.

Returns: 'Result seq * 'State

The collection of transformed elements, and the final accumulated value.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input collection is null.

Accumulate the charges from back to front, and double them as well

 type Charge =
     | In of int
     | Out of int

 let inputs = seq { In 1; Out 2; In 3 }

 let newCharges, balance =
     (inputs, 0) ||> Seq.mapFoldBack (fun charge acc ->
         match charge with
         | In i -> In (i*2), acc + i
         | Out o -> Out (o*2), acc - o)
type Charge = | In of int | Out of int
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val inputs: Charge seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
union case Charge.In: int -> Charge
union case Charge.Out: int -> Charge
val newCharges: Charge seq
val balance: int
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val mapFoldBack: mapping: ('T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State) -> source: 'T seq -> state: 'State -> 'Result seq * 'State
val charge: Charge
val acc: int
val i: int
val o: int
Evaluates newCharges to seq { In 2; Out 4; In 6 } and balance to 2.

Seq.mapi mapping source

Full Usage: Seq.mapi mapping source

    mapping : int -> 'T -> 'U - A function to transform items from the input sequence that also supplies the current index.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq The result sequence.

Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the collection. The integer index passed to the function indicates the index (from 0) of element being transformed.

mapping : int -> 'T -> 'U

A function to transform items from the input sequence that also supplies the current index.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = [ 10; 10; 10 ]

 inputs |> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> i + x)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val mapi: mapping: (int -> 'T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U seq
val i: int
val x: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 10; 11; 12 }

Seq.mapi2 mapping source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.mapi2 mapping source1 source2

    mapping : int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U - A function to transform pairs of items from the input sequences that also supplies the current index.
    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq The result sequence.

Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to the corresponding pairs of elements from the two sequences. If one input sequence is shorter than the other then the remaining elements of the longer sequence are ignored. The integer index passed to the function indicates the index (from 0) of element being transformed.

mapping : int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U

A function to transform pairs of items from the input sequences that also supplies the current index.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

Returns: 'U seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 let inputs1 = ["a"; "bad"; "good"]
 let inputs2 = [0; 2; 1]

 (inputs1, inputs2) ||> Seq.mapi2 (fun i x y -> i, x[y])
val inputs1: string list
val inputs2: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val mapi2: mapping: (int -> 'T1 -> 'T2 -> 'U) -> source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> 'U seq
val i: int
val x: string
val y: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { (0, 'a'); (1, 'd'); (2, 'o') }

Seq.max source

Full Usage: Seq.max source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The largest element of the sequence.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Returns the greatest of all elements of the sequence, compared via Operators.max

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The largest element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = [ 10; 12; 11 ]

 inputs |> Seq.max
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val max: source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
Evaluates to 12


 let inputs = [ ]

 inputs |> Seq.max
val inputs: 'a list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val max: source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
Throws System.ArgumentException.

Seq.maxBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.maxBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> 'U - A function to transform items from the input sequence into comparable keys.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The largest element of the sequence.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, 'U

Returns the greatest of all elements of the sequence, compared via Operators.max on the function result.

projection : 'T -> 'U

A function to transform items from the input sequence into comparable keys.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The largest element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = ["aaa"; "b"; "cccc"]

 inputs |> Seq.maxBy (fun s -> s.Length)
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val maxBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
val s: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates to "cccc"


 let inputs = [ ]

 inputs |> Seq.maxBy (fun s -> s.Length)
val inputs: 'a list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val maxBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
val s: obj
Throws System.ArgumentException.

Seq.min source

Full Usage: Seq.min source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The smallest element of the sequence.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Returns the lowest of all elements of the sequence, compared via Operators.min.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The smallest element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = [10; 12; 11]

 inputs |> Seq.min
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val min: source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
Evaluates to 10


 let inputs = []

 inputs |> Seq.min
val inputs: 'a list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val min: source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
Throws System.ArgumentException.

Seq.minBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.minBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> 'U - A function to transform items from the input sequence into comparable keys.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The smallest element of the sequence.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, 'U

Returns the lowest of all elements of the sequence, compared via Operators.min on the function result.

projection : 'T -> 'U

A function to transform items from the input sequence into comparable keys.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The smallest element of the sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = [ "aaa"; "b"; "cccc" ]

 inputs |> Seq.minBy (fun s -> s.Length)
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val minBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
val s: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates to "b"


 let inputs = []

 inputs |> Seq.minBy (fun (s: string) -> s.Length)
val inputs: 'a list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val minBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires comparison)
val s: string
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
property System.String.Length: int with get
Throws System.ArgumentException.

Seq.ofArray source

Full Usage: Seq.ofArray source

    source : 'T array - The input array.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Views the given array as a sequence.

source : 'T array

The input array.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = [| 1; 2; 5 |]

 inputs |> Seq.ofArray
val inputs: int array
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val ofArray: source: 'T array -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 5 }.

Seq.ofList source

Full Usage: Seq.ofList source

    source : 'T list - The input list.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Views the given list as a sequence.

source : 'T list

The input list.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.


 let inputs = [ 1; 2; 5 ]

 inputs |> Seq.ofList
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val ofList: source: 'T list -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 5 }.

Seq.pairwise source

Full Usage: Seq.pairwise source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: ('T * 'T) seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence of each element in the input sequence and its predecessor, with the exception of the first element which is only returned as the predecessor of the second element.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: ('T * 'T) seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = seq { 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.pairwise
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val pairwise: source: 'T seq -> ('T * 'T) seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { (1, 2); (2, 3); (3, 4) }.

Seq.permute indexMap source

Full Usage: Seq.permute indexMap source

    indexMap : int -> int - The function that maps input indices to output indices.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence with all elements permuted according to the specified permutation.

This function consumes the whole input sequence before yielding the first element of the result sequence.

indexMap : int -> int

The function that maps input indices to output indices.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when indexMap does not produce a valid permutation.

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4]

 inputs |> Seq.permute (fun x -> (x + 1) % 4)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val permute: indexMap: (int -> int) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
val x: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 4; 1; 2; 3 }.

Seq.pick chooser source

Full Usage: Seq.pick chooser source

    chooser : 'T -> 'U option - A function to transform each item of the input sequence into an option of the output type.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'U The selected element.

Applies the given function to successive elements, returning the first x where the function returns "Some(x)".

chooser : 'T -> 'U option

A function to transform each item of the input sequence into an option of the output type.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'U

The selected element.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
KeyNotFoundException Thrown when every item of the sequence evaluates to None when the given function is applied.

 let input = [1; 2; 3]

 input |> Seq.pick (fun n -> if n % 2 = 0 then Some (string n) else None)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val pick: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U
val n: int
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
Evaluates to "2".


 let input = [1; 2; 3]

 input |> Seq.pick (fun n -> if n > 3 = 0 then Some (string n) else None)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val pick: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U
val n: int
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
Throws KeyNotFoundException.

Seq.randomChoice source

Full Usage: Seq.randomChoice source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T A randomly selected element from the input sequence.

Returns a random element from the given sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

A randomly selected element from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomChoice
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to 3.

Seq.randomChoiceBy randomizer source

Full Usage: Seq.randomChoiceBy randomizer source

    randomizer : unit -> float - The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T A randomly selected element from the input sequence.

Returns a random element from the given sequence with the specified randomizer function.

randomizer : unit -> float

The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

A randomly selected element from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when the randomizer function returns a number outside the range [0.0..1.0).

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }
 let randomizer = Random.Shared.NextDouble

 inputs |> Seq.randomChoiceBy randomizer
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
val randomizer: obj
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to 3.

Seq.randomChoiceWith random source

Full Usage: Seq.randomChoiceWith random source

    random : Random - The Random instance.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T A randomly selected element from the input array.

Returns a random element from the given sequence with the specified Random instance.

random : Random

The Random instance.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

A randomly selected element from the input array.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the random argument is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomChoiceWith Random.Shared
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to 3.

Seq.randomChoices count source

Full Usage: Seq.randomChoices count source

    count : int - The number of elements to return.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

Returns an sequence of random elements from the given sequence, each element can be selected multiple times.

count : int

The number of elements to return.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is less than 0.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomChoices 3
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 3; 1; 3 }.

Seq.randomChoicesBy randomizer count source

Full Usage: Seq.randomChoicesBy randomizer count source

    randomizer : unit -> float - The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.
    count : int - The number of elements to return.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

Returns a sequence of random elements from the given sequence with the specified randomizer function, each element can be selected multiple times.

randomizer : unit -> float

The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.

count : int

The number of elements to return.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is less than 0.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when the randomizer function returns a number outside the range [0.0..1.0).

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomChoicesBy Random.Shared.NextDouble 3
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 3; 1; 3 }.

Seq.randomChoicesWith random count source

Full Usage: Seq.randomChoicesWith random count source

    random : Random - The Random instance.
    count : int - The number of elements to return.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

Returns a sequence of random elements from the given sequence with the specified Random instance, each element can be selected multiple times.

random : Random

The Random instance.

count : int

The number of elements to return.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the random argument is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is less than 0.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomChoicesWith Random.Shared 3
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 3; 1; 3 }.

Seq.randomSample count source

Full Usage: Seq.randomSample count source

    count : int - The number of elements to return.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

Returns a random sample of elements from the given sequence, each element can be selected only once.

count : int

The number of elements to return.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is less than 0.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is greater than the length of the input sequence.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomSample 3
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 3; 1; 2 }.

Seq.randomSampleBy randomizer count source

Full Usage: Seq.randomSampleBy randomizer count source

    randomizer : unit -> float - The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.
    count : int - The number of elements to return.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

Returns a random sample of elements from the given sequence with the specified randomizer function, each element can be selected only once.

randomizer : unit -> float

The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.

count : int

The number of elements to return.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is less than 0.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is greater than the length of the input sequence.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when the randomizer function returns a number outside the range [0.0..1.0).

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomSampleBy Random.Shared.NextDouble 3
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 3; 1; 2 }.

Seq.randomSampleWith random count source

Full Usage: Seq.randomSampleWith random count source

    random : Random - The Random instance.
    count : int - The number of elements to return.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

Returns a random sample of elements from the given sequence with the specified Random instance, each element can be selected only once.

random : Random

The Random instance.

count : int

The number of elements to return.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

A sequence of randomly selected elements from the input sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the random argument is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is less than 0.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is greater than the length of the input sequence.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomSampleWith Random.Shared 3
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 3; 1; 2 }.

Seq.randomShuffle source

Full Usage: Seq.randomShuffle source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence shuffled in a random order.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomShuffle
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 0; 2; 4; 3; 1 }.

Seq.randomShuffleBy randomizer source

Full Usage: Seq.randomShuffleBy randomizer source

    randomizer : unit -> float - The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence shuffled in a random order with the specified randomizer function.

randomizer : unit -> float

The randomizer function, must return a float number from [0.0..1.0) range.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown when the randomizer function returns a number outside the range [0.0..1.0).

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomShuffleBy Random.Shared.NextDouble
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 0; 2; 4; 3; 1 }.

Seq.randomShuffleWith random source

Full Usage: Seq.randomShuffleWith random source

    random : Random - The Random instance.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence shuffled in a random order with the specified Random instance.

random : Random

The Random instance.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when the random argument is null.

 let inputs = seq { 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 }

 inputs |> Seq.randomShuffleWith Random.Shared
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
Can evaluate to seq { 0; 2; 4; 3; 1 }.

Seq.readonly source

Full Usage: Seq.readonly source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Builds a new sequence object that delegates to the given sequence object. This ensures the original sequence cannot be rediscovered and mutated by a type cast. For example, if given an array the returned sequence will return the elements of the array, but you cannot cast the returned sequence object to an array.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = [| 1; 2; 3 |]

 input |> Seq.readonly
val input: int array
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val readonly: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 3 }.


 let input = [| 1; 2; 3 |]

 let readonlyView = input |> Seq.readonly

 (readonlyView :?> int array).[1] <- 4
val input: int array
val readonlyView: int seq
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val readonly: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
type 'T array = 'T array
Throws an InvalidCastException.

Seq.reduce reduction source

Full Usage: Seq.reduce reduction source

    reduction : 'T -> 'T -> 'T - A function that takes in the current accumulated result and the next element of the sequence to produce the next accumulated result.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The final result of the reduction function.

Applies a function to each element of the sequence, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. Begin by applying the function to the first two elements. Then feed this result into the function along with the third element and so on. Return the final result.

reduction : 'T -> 'T -> 'T

A function that takes in the current accumulated result and the next element of the sequence to produce the next accumulated result.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The final result of the reduction function.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = [1; 3; 4; 2]

 inputs |> Seq.reduce (fun a b -> a * 10 + b)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val reduce: reduction: ('T -> 'T -> 'T) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
val a: int
val b: int
Evaluates to 1342, by computing ((1 * 10 + 3) * 10 + 4) * 10 + 2

Seq.reduceBack reduction source

Full Usage: Seq.reduceBack reduction source

    reduction : 'T -> 'T -> 'T - A function that takes in the next-to-last element of the sequence and the current accumulated result to produce the next accumulated result.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T The final result of the reductions.

Applies a function to each element of the sequence, starting from the end, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. If the input function is f and the elements are i0...iN then computes f i0 (...(f iN-1 iN)).

This function consumes the whole input sequence before returning the result.

reduction : 'T -> 'T -> 'T

A function that takes in the next-to-last element of the sequence and the current accumulated result to produce the next accumulated result.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T

The final result of the reductions.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = [1; 3; 4; 2]

 inputs |> Seq.reduceBack (fun a b -> a + b * 10)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val reduceBack: reduction: ('T -> 'T -> 'T) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T
val a: int
val b: int
Evaluates to 2431, by computing 1 + (3 + (4 + 2 * 10) * 10) * 10

Seq.removeAt index source

Full Usage: Seq.removeAt index source

    index : int - The index of the item to be removed.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence with the item at a given index removed.

index : int

The index of the item to be removed.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentException Thrown when index is outside 0..source.Length - 1

 seq { 0; 1; 2 } |> Seq.removeAt 1
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val removeAt: index: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 0; 2 }.

Seq.removeManyAt index count source

Full Usage: Seq.removeManyAt index count source

    index : int - The index of the item to be removed.
    count : int - The number of items to remove.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence with the number of items starting at a given index removed.

index : int

The index of the item to be removed.

count : int

The number of items to remove.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentException Thrown when index is outside 0..source.Length - count

 seq { 0; 1; 2; 3 } |> Seq.removeManyAt 1 2
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val removeManyAt: index: int -> count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 0; 3 }.

Seq.replicate count initial

Full Usage: Seq.replicate count initial

    count : int - The number of elements to replicate.
    initial : 'T - The value to replicate

Returns: 'T seq The generated sequence.

Creates a sequence by replicating the given initial value.

count : int

The number of elements to replicate.

initial : 'T

The value to replicate

Returns: 'T seq

The generated sequence.


 Seq.replicate 3 "a"
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val replicate: count: int -> initial: 'T -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "a"; "a"; "a" }.

Seq.rev source

Full Usage: Seq.rev source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The reversed sequence.

Returns a new sequence with the elements in reverse order.

This function consumes the whole input sequence before yielding the first element of the reversed sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The reversed sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = seq { 0; 1; 2 }

 input |> Seq.rev
val input: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val rev: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 2; 1; 0 }.

Seq.scan folder state source

Full Usage: Seq.scan folder state source

    folder : 'State -> 'T -> 'State - A function that updates the state with each element from the sequence.
    state : 'State - The initial state.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'State seq The resulting sequence of computed states.

Like fold, but computes on-demand and returns the sequence of intermediary and final results.

folder : 'State -> 'T -> 'State

A function that updates the state with each element from the sequence.

state : 'State

The initial state.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'State seq

The resulting sequence of computed states.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

Apply a list charges and collect the running balances as each is applied:

 type Charge =
     | In of int
     | Out of int

 let inputs = seq { In 1; Out 2; In 3 }

 (0, inputs) ||> Seq.scan (fun acc charge ->
     match charge with
     | In i -> acc + i
     | Out o -> acc - o)
type Charge = | In of int | Out of int
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val inputs: Charge seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
union case Charge.In: int -> Charge
union case Charge.Out: int -> Charge
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val scan<'T,'State> : folder: ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> state: 'State -> source: 'T seq -> 'State seq
val acc: int
val charge: Charge
val i: int
val o: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 0; 1; -1; 2 }. Note 0 is the intial state, 1 the next state, -1 the next state, and 2 the final state.

Seq.scanBack folder source state

Full Usage: Seq.scanBack folder source state

    folder : 'T -> 'State -> 'State - A function that updates the state with each element from the sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.
    state : 'State - The initial state.

Returns: 'State seq The resulting sequence of computed states.

Like foldBack, but returns the sequence of intermediary and final results.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

folder : 'T -> 'State -> 'State

A function that updates the state with each element from the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

state : 'State

The initial state.

Returns: 'State seq

The resulting sequence of computed states.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

Apply a list charges from back to front, and collect the running balances as each is applied:

 type Charge =
     | In of int
     | Out of int

 let inputs = [ In 1; Out 2; In 3 ]

 (inputs, 0) ||> Seq.scanBack (fun charge acc ->
     match charge with
     | In i -> acc + i
     | Out o -> acc - o)
type Charge = | In of int | Out of int
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val inputs: Charge list
union case Charge.In: int -> Charge
union case Charge.Out: int -> Charge
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val scanBack: folder: ('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> source: 'T seq -> state: 'State -> 'State seq
val charge: Charge
val acc: int
val i: int
val o: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 2; 1; 3; 0 } by processing each input from back to front. Note 0 is the intial state, 3 the next state, 1 the next state, and 2 the final state, and the states are produced from back to front.

Seq.singleton value

Full Usage: Seq.singleton value

    value : 'T - The input item.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence of one item.

Returns a sequence yielding one item only.

value : 'T

The input item.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence of one item.


 Seq.singleton 7
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val singleton: value: 'T -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 7 }.

Seq.skip count source

Full Usage: Seq.skip count source

    count : int - The number of items to skip.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that skips N elements of the underlying sequence and then yields the remaining elements of the sequence.

count : int

The number of items to skip.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
InvalidOperationException Thrown when count exceeds the number of elements in the sequence.

 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.skip 2
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val skip: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "c"; "d" }


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.skip 5
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val skip: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Throws ArgumentException.


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.skip -1
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val skip: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "a"; "b"; "c"; "d" }.

Seq.skipWhile predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.skipWhile predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function that evaluates an element of the sequence to a boolean value.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that, when iterated, skips elements of the underlying sequence while the given predicate returns True, and then yields the remaining elements of the sequence.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function that evaluates an element of the sequence to a boolean value.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = seq { "a"; "bbb"; "cc"; "d" }

 inputs |> Seq.skipWhile (fun x -> x.Length < 3)
val inputs: string seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val skipWhile: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
val x: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "bbb"; "cc"; "d" }

Seq.sort source

Full Usage: Seq.sort source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Yields a sequence ordered by keys.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the original sequence and uses a stable sort, that is the original order of equal elements is preserved.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = seq { 8; 4; 3; 1; 6; 1 }

 Seq.sort input
val input: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val sort: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq (requires comparison)
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 1 3; 4; 6; 8 }.

Seq.sortBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.sortBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> 'Key - A function to transform items of the input sequence into comparable keys.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Applies a key-generating function to each element of a sequence and yield a sequence ordered by keys. The keys are compared using generic comparison as implemented by Operators.compare.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the original sequence and uses a stable sort, that is the original order of equal elements is preserved.

projection : 'T -> 'Key

A function to transform items of the input sequence into comparable keys.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = [ "a"; "bbb"; "cccc"; "dd" ]

 input |> Seq.sortBy (fun s -> s.Length)
val input: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val sortBy: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq (requires comparison)
val s: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "a"; "dd"; "bbb"; "cccc" }.

Seq.sortByDescending projection source

Full Usage: Seq.sortByDescending projection source

    projection : 'T -> 'Key - A function to transform items of the input sequence into comparable keys.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, 'Key

Applies a key-generating function to each element of a sequence and yield a sequence ordered descending by keys. The keys are compared using generic comparison as implemented by Operators.compare.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the original sequence. This is a stable sort, that is the original order of equal elements is preserved.

projection : 'T -> 'Key

A function to transform items of the input sequence into comparable keys.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = ["a"; "bbb"; "cccc"; "dd"]

 input |> Seq.sortByDescending (fun s -> s.Length)
val input: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val sortByDescending: projection: ('T -> 'Key) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq (requires comparison)
val s: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "cccc"; "bbb"; "dd"; "a" }.

Seq.sortDescending source

Full Usage: Seq.sortDescending source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T

Yields a sequence ordered descending by keys.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the original sequence. This is a stable sort, that is the original order of equal elements is preserved.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = seq { 8; 4; 3; 1; 6; 1 }

 input |> Seq.sortDescending
val input: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val sortDescending: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq (requires comparison)
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 8; 6; 4; 3; 1; 1 }.

Seq.sortWith comparer source

Full Usage: Seq.sortWith comparer source

    comparer : 'T -> 'T -> int - The function to compare the collection elements.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Yields a sequence ordered using the given comparison function.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences. The function makes no assumption on the ordering of the original sequence and uses a stable sort, that is the original order of equal elements is preserved.

comparer : 'T -> 'T -> int

The function to compare the collection elements.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.


Sort a sequence of pairs using a comparison function that compares string lengths then index numbers:

 let compareEntries (n1: int, s1: string) (n2: int, s2: string) =
     let c = compare s1.Length s2.Length
     if c <> 0 then c else
     compare n1 n2

 let input = [ (0,"aa"); (1,"bbb"); (2,"cc"); (3,"dd") ]

 input |> Seq.sortWith compareEntries
val compareEntries: n1: int * s1: string -> n2: int * s2: string -> int
val n1: int
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val s1: string
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
val n2: int
val s2: string
val c: int
val compare: e1: 'T -> e2: 'T -> int (requires comparison)
property System.String.Length: int with get
val input: (int * string) list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val sortWith: comparer: ('T -> 'T -> int) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { (0, "aa"); (2, "cc"); (3, "dd"); (1, "bbb") }.

Seq.splitInto count source

Full Usage: Seq.splitInto count source

    count : int - The maximum number of chunks.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array seq The sequence split into chunks.

Splits the input sequence into at most count chunks.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.This function consumes the whole input sequence before yielding the first element of the result sequence.

count : int

The maximum number of chunks.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array seq

The sequence split into chunks.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when count is not positive.

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.splitInto 3
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val splitInto: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T array seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { [|1; 2|]; [|3; 4|]; [|5|] }


 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.splitInto -1
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val splitInto: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T array seq
Throws ArgumentException

Seq.sum source

Full Usage: Seq.sum source

    source : ^T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: ^T The computed sum.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: ^T

Returns the sum of the elements in the sequence.

The elements are summed using the + operator and Zero property associated with the generated type.

source : ^T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: ^T

The computed sum.


 let input = [ 1; 5; 3; 2 ]

 input |> Seq.sum
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val sum: source: 'T seq -> 'T (requires member (+) and member Zero)
Evaluates to 11.

Seq.sumBy projection source

Full Usage: Seq.sumBy projection source

    projection : 'T -> ^U - A function to transform items from the input sequence into the type that will be summed.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: ^U The computed sum.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, ^U

Returns the sum of the results generated by applying the function to each element of the sequence.

The generated elements are summed using the + operator and Zero property associated with the generated type.

projection : 'T -> ^U

A function to transform items from the input sequence into the type that will be summed.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: ^U

The computed sum.


 let input = [ "aa"; "bbb"; "cc" ]

 input |> Seq.sumBy (fun s -> s.Length)
val input: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val sumBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U (requires member (+) and member Zero)
val s: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates to 7.

Seq.tail source

Full Usage: Seq.tail source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that skips 1 element of the underlying sequence and then yields the remaining elements of the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
InvalidOperationException Thrown when the input sequence is empty.

 let inputs = ["a"; "bb"; "ccc"]

 inputs |> Seq.tail
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tail: source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "bb"; "ccc" }

Seq.take count source

Full Usage: Seq.take count source

    count : int - The number of items to take.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns the first N elements of the sequence.

Throws InvalidOperationException if the count exceeds the number of elements in the sequence. Seq.truncate returns as many items as the sequence contains instead of throwing an exception.

count : int

The number of items to take.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when the input sequence is empty and the count is greater than zero.
InvalidOperationException Thrown when count exceeds the number of elements in the sequence.

 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.take 2
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val take: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as ["a"; "b"]


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.take 6
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val take: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Throws InvalidOperationException.


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.take 0
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val take: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding no results.

Seq.takeWhile predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.takeWhile predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function that evaluates to false when no more items should be returned.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that, when iterated, yields elements of the underlying sequence while the given predicate returns True, and then returns no further elements.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function that evaluates to false when no more items should be returned.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = ["a"; "bb"; "ccc"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.takeWhile (fun x -> x.Length < 3)
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val takeWhile: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
val x: string
property System.String.Length: int with get
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "a"; "bb" }

Seq.toArray source

Full Usage: Seq.toArray source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array The result array.

Builds an array from the given collection.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array

The result array.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = seq { 1; 2; 5 }

 inputs |> Seq.toArray
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val toArray: source: 'T seq -> 'T array
Evaluates to [| 1; 2; 5 |].

Seq.toList source

Full Usage: Seq.toList source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T list The result list.

Builds a list from the given collection.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T list

The result list.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = seq { 1; 2; 5 }

 inputs |> Seq.toList
val inputs: int seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val toList: source: 'T seq -> 'T list
Evaluates to [ 1; 2; 5 ].

Seq.transpose source

Full Usage: Seq.transpose source

    source : 'Collection seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq seq The transposed sequence.

Returns the transpose of the given sequence of sequences.

This function returns a sequence that digests the whole initial sequence as soon as that sequence is iterated. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

source : 'Collection seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq seq

The transposed sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs =
     [ [ 10; 20; 30 ]
       [ 11; 21; 31 ] ]

 inputs |> Seq.transpose
val inputs: int list list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val transpose: source: #('T seq) seq -> 'T seq seq
Evaluates to a sequence of sequences yielding the same results as [ [10; 11]; [20; 21]; [30; 31] ].

Seq.truncate count source

Full Usage: Seq.truncate count source

    count : int - The maximum number of items to enumerate.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that when enumerated returns at most N elements.

count : int

The maximum number of items to enumerate.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.truncate 2
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val truncate: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "a"; "b" }


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.truncate 6
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val truncate: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { "a"; "b"; "c"; "d" }


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]

 inputs |> Seq.truncate 0
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val truncate: count: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to the empty sequence.

Seq.tryExactlyOne source

Full Usage: Seq.tryExactlyOne source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option The only element of the sequence or None.

Returns the only element of the sequence or None if sequence is empty or contains more than one element.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option

The only element of the sequence or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = ["banana"]

 inputs |> Seq.tryExactlyOne
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryExactlyOne: source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to Some banana


 let inputs = ["pear"; "banana"]

 inputs |> Seq.tryExactlyOne
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryExactlyOne: source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to None


 [] |> Seq.tryExactlyOne
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryExactlyOne: source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to None

Seq.tryFind predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.tryFind predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option The found element or None.

Returns the first element for which the given function returns True. Return None if no such element exists.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option

The found element or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

Try to find the first even number:

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFind (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFind: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T option
val elm: int
Evaluates to Some 2


Try to find the first even number:

 let inputs = [1; 5; 3]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFind (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFind: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T option
val elm: int
Evaluates to None

Seq.tryFindBack predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.tryFindBack predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option The found element or None.

Returns the last element for which the given function returns True. Return None if no such element exists.

This function digests the whole initial sequence as soon as it is called. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option

The found element or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

Try to find the first even number from the back:

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFindBack (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFindBack: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T option
val elm: int
Evaluates to Some 4


Try to find the first even number from the back:

 let inputs = [1; 5; 3]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFindBack (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFindBack: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T option
val elm: int
Evaluates to None

Seq.tryFindIndex predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.tryFindIndex predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: int option The found index or None.

Returns the index of the first element in the sequence that satisfies the given predicate. Return None if no such element exists.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: int option

The found index or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

Try to find the index of the first even number:

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFindIndex (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFindIndex: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int option
val elm: int
Evaluates to Some 1


Try to find the index of the first even number:

 let inputs = [1; 3; 5; 7]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFindIndex (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFindIndex: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int option
val elm: int
Evaluates to None

Seq.tryFindIndexBack predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.tryFindIndexBack predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: int option The found index or None.

Returns the index of the last element in the sequence that satisfies the given predicate. Return None if no such element exists.

This function digests the whole initial sequence as soon as it is called. As a result this function should not be used with large or infinite sequences.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function that evaluates to a Boolean when given an item in the sequence.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: int option

The found index or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

Try to find the index of the first even number from the back:

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFindIndexBack (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFindIndexBack: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int option
val elm: int
Evaluates to Some 3


Try to find the index of the first even number from the back:

 let inputs = [1; 3; 5; 7]

 inputs |> Seq.tryFindIndexBack (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryFindIndexBack: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> int option
val elm: int
Evaluates to None

Seq.tryHead source

Full Usage: Seq.tryHead source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option The first element of the sequence or None.

Returns the first element of the sequence, or None if the sequence is empty.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option

The first element of the sequence or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 ["banana"; "pear"] |> Seq.tryHead
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryHead: source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to Some "banana"


 [] |> Seq.tryHead
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryHead: source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to None

Seq.tryItem index source

Full Usage: Seq.tryItem index source

    index : int - The index of element to retrieve.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option The nth element of the sequence or None.

Tries to find the nth element in the sequence. Returns None if index is negative or the input sequence does not contain enough elements.

index : int

The index of element to retrieve.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option

The nth element of the sequence or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"]

 inputs |> Seq.tryItem 1
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryItem: index: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to Some "b".


 let inputs = ["a"; "b"; "c"]

 inputs |> Seq.tryItem 4
val inputs: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryItem: index: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to None.

Seq.tryLast source

Full Usage: Seq.tryLast source

    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option The last element of the sequence or None.

Returns the last element of the sequence. Return None if no such element exists.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T option

The last element of the sequence or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 ["pear"; "banana"] |> Seq.tryLast
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryLast: source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to Some "banana"


 [] |> Seq.tryLast
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryLast: source: 'T seq -> 'T option
Evaluates to None

Seq.tryPick chooser source

Full Usage: Seq.tryPick chooser source

    chooser : 'T -> 'U option - A function that transforms items from the input sequence into options.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'U option The chosen element or None.

Applies the given function to successive elements, returning the first result where the function returns "Some(x)".

chooser : 'T -> 'U option

A function that transforms items from the input sequence into options.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'U option

The chosen element or None.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 let input = [1; 2; 3]

 input |> Seq.tryPick (fun n -> if n % 2 = 0 then Some (string n) else None)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryPick: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U option
val n: int
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
Evaluates to Some "2".


 let input = [1; 2; 3]

 input |> Seq.tryPick (fun n -> if n > 3 = 0 then Some (string n) else None)
val input: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val tryPick: chooser: ('T -> 'U option) -> source: 'T seq -> 'U option
val n: int
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = System.String
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
Evaluates to None.

Seq.unfold generator state

Full Usage: Seq.unfold generator state

    generator : 'State -> ('T * 'State) option - A function that takes in the current state and returns an option tuple of the next element of the sequence and the next state value.
    state : 'State - The initial state value.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence that contains the elements generated by the given computation. The given initial state argument is passed to the element generator. For each IEnumerator elements in the stream are generated on-demand by applying the element generator, until a None value is returned by the element generator. Each call to the element generator returns a new residual state.

The stream will be recomputed each time an IEnumerator is requested and iterated for the Seq.

generator : 'State -> ('T * 'State) option

A function that takes in the current state and returns an option tuple of the next element of the sequence and the next state value.

state : 'State

The initial state value.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.


 1 |> Seq.unfold (fun state -> if state > 100 then None else Some (state, state * 2))
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val unfold: generator: ('State -> ('T * 'State) option) -> state: 'State -> 'T seq
val state: int
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64 }


 1I |> Seq.unfold (fun state -> Some (state, state * 2I))
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val unfold: generator: ('State -> ('T * 'State) option) -> state: 'State -> 'T seq
val state: System.Numerics.BigInteger
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
Evaluates to an infinite sequence yielding the results seq { 1I; 2I; 4I; 8I; ... }

Seq.updateAt index value source

Full Usage: Seq.updateAt index value source

    index : int - The index of the item to be replaced.
    value : 'T - The new value.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Return a new sequence with the item at a given index set to the new value.

index : int

The index of the item to be replaced.

value : 'T

The new value.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentException Thrown when index is outside 0..source.Length - 1

 seq { 0; 1; 2 } |> Seq.updateAt 1 9
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val updateAt: index: int -> value: 'T -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 0; 9; 2 }.

Seq.where predicate source

Full Usage: Seq.where predicate source

    predicate : 'T -> bool - A function to test whether each item in the input sequence should be included in the output.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq The result sequence.

Returns a new collection containing only the elements of the collection for which the given predicate returns "true".

The returned sequence may be passed between threads safely. However, individual IEnumerator values generated from the returned sequence should not be accessed concurrently. Remember sequence is lazy, effects are delayed until it is enumerated. A synonym for Seq.filter.

predicate : 'T -> bool

A function to test whether each item in the input sequence should be included in the output.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.

 [1; 2; 3; 4] |> Seq.where (fun elm -> elm % 2 = 0)
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val where: predicate: ('T -> bool) -> source: 'T seq -> 'T seq
val elm: int
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { 2; 4 }

Seq.windowed windowSize source

Full Usage: Seq.windowed windowSize source

    windowSize : int - The number of elements in each window.
    source : 'T seq - The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array seq The result sequence.

Returns a sequence yielding sliding windows containing elements drawn from the input sequence. Each window is returned as a fresh array.

windowSize : int

The number of elements in each window.

source : 'T seq

The input sequence.

Returns: 'T array seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when the input sequence is null.
ArgumentException Thrown when windowSize is not positive.

 let inputs = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

 inputs |> Seq.windowed 3
val inputs: int list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val windowed: windowSize: int -> source: 'T seq -> 'T array seq
Evaluates to a sequence of arrays yielding the results seq { [| 1; 2; 3 |]; [| 2; 3; 4 |]; [| 3; 4; 5 |] }

Seq.zip source1 source2

Full Usage: Seq.zip source1 source2

    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.

Returns: ('T1 * 'T2) seq The result sequence.

Combines the two sequences into a sequence of pairs. The two sequences need not have equal lengths: when one sequence is exhausted any remaining elements in the other sequence are ignored.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

Returns: ('T1 * 'T2) seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when either of the input sequences is null.

 let numbers = [1; 2]
 let names = ["one"; "two"]

 Seq.zip numbers names
val numbers: int list
val names: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val zip: source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> ('T1 * 'T2) seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { (1, "one"); (2, "two") }.

Seq.zip3 source1 source2 source3

Full Usage: Seq.zip3 source1 source2 source3

    source1 : 'T1 seq - The first input sequence.
    source2 : 'T2 seq - The second input sequence.
    source3 : 'T3 seq - The third input sequence.

Returns: ('T1 * 'T2 * 'T3) seq The result sequence.

Combines the three sequences into a sequence of triples. The sequences need not have equal lengths: when one sequence is exhausted any remaining elements in the other sequences are ignored.

source1 : 'T1 seq

The first input sequence.

source2 : 'T2 seq

The second input sequence.

source3 : 'T3 seq

The third input sequence.

Returns: ('T1 * 'T2 * 'T3) seq

The result sequence.

ArgumentNullException Thrown when any of the input sequences is null.

 let numbers = [1; 2]
 let names = ["one"; "two"]
 let roman = ["I"; "II"]

 Seq.zip3 numbers names roman
val numbers: int list
val names: string list
val roman: string list
module Seq from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val zip3: source1: 'T1 seq -> source2: 'T2 seq -> source3: 'T3 seq -> ('T1 * 'T2 * 'T3) seq
Evaluates to a sequence yielding the same results as seq { (1, "one", "I"); (2, "two", "II") }.

Type something to start searching.