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ITypeProvider Type

Represents an instantiation of a type provider component.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.ApplyStaticArguments

    typeWithoutArguments : Type - the provided type definition which has static parameters
    typePathWithArguments : string array - the full path of the type, including encoded representations of static parameters
    staticArguments : obj array - the static parameters, indexed by name

Returns: Type
Modifiers: abstract

Apply static arguments to a provided type that accepts static arguments.

The provider must return a type with the given mangled name.

typeWithoutArguments : Type

the provided type definition which has static parameters

typePathWithArguments : string array

the full path of the type, including encoded representations of static parameters

staticArguments : obj array

the static parameters, indexed by name

Returns: Type


Full Usage: this.GetGeneratedAssemblyContents

Returns: byte array
Modifiers: abstract

Get the physical contents of the given logical provided assembly.

assembly : Assembly
Returns: byte array


Full Usage: this.GetInvokerExpression

    syntheticMethodBase : MethodBase - MethodBase that was given to the compiler by a type returned by a GetType(s) call.
    parameters : Expr array - Expressions that represent the parameters to this call.

Returns: Expr An expression that the compiler will use in place of the given method base.
Modifiers: abstract

Called by the compiler to ask for an Expression tree to replace the given MethodBase with.

syntheticMethodBase : MethodBase

MethodBase that was given to the compiler by a type returned by a GetType(s) call.

parameters : Expr array

Expressions that represent the parameters to this call.

Returns: Expr

An expression that the compiler will use in place of the given method base.


Full Usage: this.GetNamespaces

Returns: IProvidedNamespace array
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the namespaces provided by the type provider.

Returns: IProvidedNamespace array


Full Usage: this.GetStaticParameters

    typeWithoutArguments : Type - A type returned by GetTypes or ResolveTypeName

Returns: ParameterInfo array
Modifiers: abstract

Get the static parameters for a provided type.

typeWithoutArguments : Type

A type returned by GetTypes or ResolveTypeName

Returns: ParameterInfo array


Full Usage: this.Invalidate

Returns: IEvent<EventHandler, EventArgs>
Modifiers: abstract

Triggered when an assumption changes that invalidates the resolutions so far reported by the provider

Returns: IEvent<EventHandler, EventArgs>

Type something to start searching.