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QueryBuilder Type

The type used to support the F# query syntax. Use 'query { ... }' to use the query syntax. See also F# Query Expressions in the F# Language Guide.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: QueryBuilder()

Returns: QueryBuilder

Create an instance of this builder. Use 'query { ... }' to use the query syntax.

Returns: QueryBuilder

Instance members

Instance member Description

all predicate

Full Usage: all predicate

    predicate : 'T -> bool

Returns: bool

A query operator that determines whether all elements selected so far satisfies a condition.

predicate : 'T -> bool
Returns: bool

averageBy projection

Full Usage: averageBy projection

    projection : 'T -> ^Value

Returns: ^Value
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, 'Q, ^Value

A query operator that selects a value for each element selected so far and returns the average of these values.

projection : 'T -> ^Value
Returns: ^Value

averageByNullable projection

Full Usage: averageByNullable projection

Returns: Nullable<^Value>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, 'Q, ^Value

A query operator that selects a nullable value for each element selected so far and returns the average of these values. If any nullable does not have a value, it is ignored.

projection : 'T -> Nullable<^Value>
Returns: Nullable<^Value>

contains key

Full Usage: contains key

    key : 'T

Returns: bool

A query operator that determines whether the selected elements contains a specified element.

key : 'T
Returns: bool


Full Usage: count

Returns: int

A query operator that returns the number of selected elements.

Returns: int


Full Usage: distinct

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that selects distinct elements from the elements selected so far.

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>


Full Usage: exactlyOne

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the single, specific element selected so far

Returns: 'T


Full Usage: exactlyOneOrDefault

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the single, specific element of those selected so far, or a default value if that element is not found.

Returns: 'T

exists predicate

Full Usage: exists predicate

    predicate : 'T -> bool

Returns: bool

A query operator that determines whether any element selected so far satisfies a condition.

predicate : 'T -> bool
Returns: bool

find predicate

Full Usage: find predicate

    predicate : 'T -> bool

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the first element selected so far that satisfies a specified condition.

predicate : 'T -> bool
Returns: 'T


Full Usage: this.For

Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Projects each element of a sequence to another sequence and combines the resulting sequences into one sequence.

source : QuerySource<'T, 'Q>
body : 'T -> QuerySource<'Result, 'Q2>
Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

groupBy keySelector

Full Usage: groupBy keySelector

    keySelector : 'T -> 'Key

Returns: QuerySource<IGrouping<'Key, 'T>, 'Q>

A query operator that groups the elements selected so far according to a specified key selector.

keySelector : 'T -> 'Key
Returns: QuerySource<IGrouping<'Key, 'T>, 'Q>

groupJoin innerSource outerKeySelector innerKeySelector resultSelector

Full Usage: groupJoin innerSource outerKeySelector innerKeySelector resultSelector

    innerSource : QuerySource<'Inner, 'Q>
    outerKeySelector : 'Outer -> 'Key
    innerKeySelector : 'Inner -> 'Key
    resultSelector : 'Outer -> 'Inner seq -> 'Result

Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

A query operator that correlates two sets of selected values based on matching keys and groups the results. Normal usage is 'groupJoin y in elements2 on (key1 = key2) into group'.

innerSource : QuerySource<'Inner, 'Q>
outerKeySelector : 'Outer -> 'Key
innerKeySelector : 'Inner -> 'Key
resultSelector : 'Outer -> 'Inner seq -> 'Result
Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

groupValBy resultSelector keySelector

Full Usage: groupValBy resultSelector keySelector

    resultSelector : 'T -> 'Value
    keySelector : 'T -> 'Key

Returns: QuerySource<IGrouping<'Key, 'Value>, 'Q>

A query operator that selects a value for each element selected so far and groups the elements by the given key.

resultSelector : 'T -> 'Value
keySelector : 'T -> 'Key
Returns: QuerySource<IGrouping<'Key, 'Value>, 'Q>


Full Usage: head

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the first element from those selected so far.

Returns: 'T


Full Usage: headOrDefault

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the first element of those selected so far, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements.

Returns: 'T

join innerSource outerKeySelector innerKeySelector resultSelector

Full Usage: join innerSource outerKeySelector innerKeySelector resultSelector

    innerSource : QuerySource<'Inner, 'Q>
    outerKeySelector : 'Outer -> 'Key
    innerKeySelector : 'Inner -> 'Key
    resultSelector : 'Outer -> 'Inner -> 'Result

Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

A query operator that correlates two sets of selected values based on matching keys. Normal usage is 'join y in elements2 on (key1 = key2)'.

innerSource : QuerySource<'Inner, 'Q>
outerKeySelector : 'Outer -> 'Key
innerKeySelector : 'Inner -> 'Key
resultSelector : 'Outer -> 'Inner -> 'Result
Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>


Full Usage: last

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the last element of those selected so far.

Returns: 'T


Full Usage: lastOrDefault

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the last element of those selected so far, or a default value if no element is found.

Returns: 'T

leftOuterJoin innerSource outerKeySelector innerKeySelector resultSelector

Full Usage: leftOuterJoin innerSource outerKeySelector innerKeySelector resultSelector

    innerSource : QuerySource<'Inner, 'Q>
    outerKeySelector : 'Outer -> 'Key
    innerKeySelector : 'Inner -> 'Key
    resultSelector : 'Outer -> 'Inner seq -> 'Result

Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

A query operator that correlates two sets of selected values based on matching keys and groups the results. If any group is empty, a group with a single default value is used instead. Normal usage is 'leftOuterJoin y in elements2 on (key1 = key2) into group'.

innerSource : QuerySource<'Inner, 'Q>
outerKeySelector : 'Outer -> 'Key
innerKeySelector : 'Inner -> 'Key
resultSelector : 'Outer -> 'Inner seq -> 'Result
Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

maxBy valueSelector

Full Usage: maxBy valueSelector

    valueSelector : 'T -> 'Value

Returns: 'Value

A query operator that selects a value for each element selected so far and returns the maximum resulting value.

valueSelector : 'T -> 'Value
Returns: 'Value

maxByNullable valueSelector

Full Usage: maxByNullable valueSelector

    valueSelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Value>

Returns: Nullable<'Value>

A query operator that selects a nullable value for each element selected so far and returns the maximum of these values. If any nullable does not have a value, it is ignored.

valueSelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Value>
Returns: Nullable<'Value>

minBy valueSelector

Full Usage: minBy valueSelector

    valueSelector : 'T -> 'Value

Returns: 'Value

A query operator that selects a value for each element selected so far and returns the minimum resulting value.

valueSelector : 'T -> 'Value
Returns: 'Value

minByNullable valueSelector

Full Usage: minByNullable valueSelector

    valueSelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Value>

Returns: Nullable<'Value>

A query operator that selects a nullable value for each element selected so far and returns the minimum of these values. If any nullable does not have a value, it is ignored.

valueSelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Value>
Returns: Nullable<'Value>

nth index

Full Usage: nth index

Returns: 'T

A query operator that selects the element at a specified index amongst those selected so far.

index : int
Returns: 'T


Full Usage: this.Quote

Returns: Expr<'T>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Indicates that the query should be passed as a quotation to the Run method.

arg0 : Expr<'T>
Returns: Expr<'T>


Full Usage: this.Run

Returns: IQueryable<'T>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Runs the given quotation as a query using LINQ IQueryable rules.

arg0 : Expr<QuerySource<'T, IQueryable>>
Returns: IQueryable<'T>

select projection

Full Usage: select projection

    projection : 'T -> 'Result

Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

A query operator that projects each of the elements selected so far.

projection : 'T -> 'Result
Returns: QuerySource<'Result, 'Q>

skip count

Full Usage: skip count

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that bypasses a specified number of the elements selected so far and selects the remaining elements.

count : int
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

skipWhile predicate

Full Usage: skipWhile predicate

    predicate : 'T -> bool

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that bypasses elements in a sequence as long as a specified condition is true and then selects the remaining elements.

predicate : 'T -> bool
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

sortBy keySelector

Full Usage: sortBy keySelector

    keySelector : 'T -> 'Key

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that sorts the elements selected so far in ascending order by the given sorting key.

keySelector : 'T -> 'Key
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

sortByDescending keySelector

Full Usage: sortByDescending keySelector

    keySelector : 'T -> 'Key

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that sorts the elements selected so far in descending order by the given sorting key.

keySelector : 'T -> 'Key
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

sortByNullable keySelector

Full Usage: sortByNullable keySelector

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that sorts the elements selected so far in ascending order by the given nullable sorting key.

keySelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Key>
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

sortByNullableDescending keySelector

Full Usage: sortByNullableDescending keySelector

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that sorts the elements selected so far in descending order by the given nullable sorting key.

keySelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Key>
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>


Full Usage: this.Source

Returns: QuerySource<'T, IEnumerable>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Inputs to queries are implicitly wrapped by a call to one of the overloads of this method.

source : IEnumerable<'T>
Returns: QuerySource<'T, IEnumerable>


Full Usage: this.Source

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Inputs to queries are implicitly wrapped by a call to one of the overloads of this method.

source : IQueryable<'T>
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

sumBy projection

Full Usage: sumBy projection

    projection : 'T -> ^Value

Returns: ^Value
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, 'Q, ^Value

A query operator that selects a value for each element selected so far and returns the sum of these values.

projection : 'T -> ^Value
Returns: ^Value

sumByNullable valueSelector

Full Usage: sumByNullable valueSelector

    valueSelector : 'T -> Nullable<^Value>

Returns: Nullable<^Value>
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'T, 'Q, ^Value

A query operator that selects a nullable value for each element selected so far and returns the sum of these values. If any nullable does not have a value, it is ignored.

valueSelector : 'T -> Nullable<^Value>
Returns: Nullable<^Value>

take count

Full Usage: take count

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that selects a specified number of contiguous elements from those selected so far.

count : int
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

takeWhile predicate

Full Usage: takeWhile predicate

    predicate : 'T -> bool

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that selects elements from a sequence as long as a specified condition is true, and then skips the remaining elements.

predicate : 'T -> bool
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

thenBy keySelector

Full Usage: thenBy keySelector

    keySelector : 'T -> 'Key

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that performs a subsequent ordering of the elements selected so far in ascending order by the given sorting key. This operator may only be used immediately after a 'sortBy', 'sortByDescending', 'thenBy' or 'thenByDescending', or their nullable variants.

keySelector : 'T -> 'Key
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

thenByDescending keySelector

Full Usage: thenByDescending keySelector

    keySelector : 'T -> 'Key

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that performs a subsequent ordering of the elements selected so far in descending order by the given sorting key. This operator may only be used immediately after a 'sortBy', 'sortByDescending', 'thenBy' or 'thenByDescending', or their nullable variants.

keySelector : 'T -> 'Key
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

thenByNullable keySelector

Full Usage: thenByNullable keySelector

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that performs a subsequent ordering of the elements selected so far in ascending order by the given nullable sorting key. This operator may only be used immediately after a 'sortBy', 'sortByDescending', 'thenBy' or 'thenByDescending', or their nullable variants.

keySelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Key>
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

thenByNullableDescending keySelector

Full Usage: thenByNullableDescending keySelector

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that performs a subsequent ordering of the elements selected so far in descending order by the given nullable sorting key. This operator may only be used immediately after a 'sortBy', 'sortByDescending', 'thenBy' or 'thenByDescending', or their nullable variants.

keySelector : 'T -> Nullable<'Key>
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

where predicate

Full Usage: where predicate

    predicate : 'T -> bool

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A query operator that selects those elements based on a specified predicate.

predicate : 'T -> bool
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>


Full Usage: this.Yield

    value : 'T

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Returns a sequence of length one that contains the specified value.

value : 'T
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>


Full Usage: this.YieldFrom

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Returns a sequence that contains the specified values.

computation : QuerySource<'T, 'Q>
Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>


Full Usage: this.Zero

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

A method used to support the F# query syntax. Returns an empty sequence that has the specified type argument.

Returns: QuerySource<'T, 'Q>

Type something to start searching.