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Project builds

The compiler is generally built to compile one assembly: the assumption that the compiler is compiling one assembly is baked into several aspects of the design of the Typed Tree. In contrast, FCS supports compiling a graph of projects, each for a different assembly, each undergoing incremental change.

Project builds are currently stateful and reliant on I/O to on-disk assemblies. This causes many problems and we have a plan for how to fix this core issue in the F# Language Service implementation. See Plan: Modernizing F# Analysis. Please read this carefully if you plan to work on any of service.fs, IncrementalBuild.fs or FSharpCheckerResults.fs.

Key data structures:

Multi-project builds and cross-project references

In FCS, there is no single abstraction for a "solution build" and instead you have multiple project builds. These are all essentially independent, in the sense they each logically represent an invocation of the F# compiler. That is, the Typed Tree (TAST), TcState etc. nodes are not shared between different project compilations.

If you want to understand why this invariant is important, some key things to understand are:

Could the compiler share this data across projects? In theory, yes. In practice, it's very tricky business. From a correctness point of view: the process of generating this blob (TypedTreePickle p_XYZ) and resurrecting it (TypedTreePickle u_*) does some transformations to the Typed Tree that are necessary for correctness of compilation, for example, in TypedTreePickle. Basically, the Typed Tree nodes from the compilation of one assembly are not valid when compiling a different assembly.

The Typed Tree nodes include CcuData nodes, which have access to a number of callbacks into the TcImports compilation context for the assembly being compiled. TypedTree nodes are effectively tied to a particular compilation of a particular assembly due to this. There isn't any way to share this data without losing correctness and invalidating many invariants held in the current design. From a lifetime point of view: the Typed Tree nodes are tied together in a graph, so sharing one or two of them might drag across the entire graph and extend lifetimes of that graph. None of these interrelated nodes were designed to be shared across assemblies.

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