FSharpProjectOptions Type
A set of information describing a project or script build configuration.
Record fields
Record Field |
Full Usage:
Field type: bool
When true, the typechecking environment is known a priori to be incomplete, for example when a .fs file is opened outside of a project. In this case, the number of error messages reported is reduced.
Timestamp of project/script load, used to differentiate between different instances of a project load. This ensures that a complete reload of the project or script type checking context occurs on project or script unload/reload.
Unused in this API and should be '[]' when used as user-specified input
Full Usage:
Field type: string[]
Additional command line argument options for the project. These can include additional files and references.
Full Usage:
Field type: string
Full Usage:
Field type: string option
This is the unique identifier for the project, it is case-sensitive. If it's None, will key off of ProjectFileName in our caching.
The command line arguments for the other projects referenced by this project, indexed by the exact text used in the "-r:" reference in FSharpProjectOptions.
Full Usage:
Field type: string[]
The files in the project
Full Usage:
Field type: int64 option
An optional stamp to uniquely identify this set of options If two sets of options both have stamps, then they are considered equal if and only if the stamps are equal
Unused in this API and should be 'None' when used as user-specified input
Full Usage:
Field type: bool
When true, use the reference resolution rules for scripts rather than the rules for compiler.