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CompilerDiagnostics Module

Exposes compiler diagnostic error messages.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

GetErrorMessage diagnosticKind

Full Usage: GetErrorMessage diagnosticKind

Returns: string

Given a DiagnosticKind, returns the string representing the error message for that diagnostic.

diagnosticKind : FSharpDiagnosticKind
Returns: string

GetSuggestedNames suggestionsF unresolvedIdentifier

Full Usage: GetSuggestedNames suggestionsF unresolvedIdentifier

    suggestionsF : (string -> unit) -> unit
    unresolvedIdentifier : string

Returns: string seq

Given a set of names, uses and a string representing an unresolved identifier, returns a list of suggested names if there are any feasible candidates.

suggestionsF : (string -> unit) -> unit
unresolvedIdentifier : string
Returns: string seq

Type something to start searching.