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MethodGroupItem Type

Represents one method (or other item) in a method group. The item may represent either a method or a single, non-overloaded item such as union case or a named function value.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Description

Returns: ToolTipText

The description representation for the method (or other item)

Returns: ToolTipText


Full Usage: this.HasParamArrayArg

Returns: bool

Does the method support a params list arg?

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.HasParameters

Returns: bool

Does the method support an arguments list? This is always true except for static type instantiations like TP<42,"foo">.

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Parameters

Returns: MethodGroupItemParameter[]

The parameters of the method in the overload set

Returns: MethodGroupItemParameter[]


Full Usage: this.ReturnTypeText

Returns: TaggedText[]

The tagged text for the return type for the method (or other item)

Returns: TaggedText[]


Full Usage: this.StaticParameters

Returns: MethodGroupItemParameter[]

Does the type name or method support a static arguments list, like TP<42,"foo"> or conn.CreateCommand<42, "foo">(arg1, arg2)?

Returns: MethodGroupItemParameter[]


Full Usage: this.XmlDoc

Returns: FSharpXmlDoc

The documentation for the item

Returns: FSharpXmlDoc

Type something to start searching.