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PrettyNaming Module

Some general F# utilities for mangling / unmangling / manipulating names. Anything to do with special names of identifiers and other lexical rules

Functions and values

Function or value Description

CompileOpName op

Full Usage: CompileOpName op

    op : string

Returns: string
 Converts the core of an operator name into a logical name. For example,
    +  --> op_Addition
    !%  --> op_DereferencePercent
 Only used on actual operator names
op : string
Returns: string

ConvertValLogicalNameToDisplayNameCore opName

Full Usage: ConvertValLogicalNameToDisplayNameCore opName

    opName : string

Returns: string
 Converts the logical name for and operator back into the core of a display name. For example:
     Foo                   --> Foo
     +                     --> +
     op_Addition           --> +
     op_DereferencePercent --> !%
     A-B                   --> A-B
     |A|_|                 --> |A|_|
     base                  --> base        regardless of IsBaseVal
 Used on names of all kinds

 TODO: We should assess uses of this function.

 In any cases it is used it probably indicates that text is being
 generated which:
    1. does not contain double-backticks for non-identifiers
    2. does not put parentheses arounf operators or active pattern names

 If the text is immediately in quotes, this is generally ok, e.g.

         error FS0038: '+' is bound twice in this pattern
         error FS0038: '|A|_|' is bound twice in this pattern
         error FS0038: 'a a' is bound twice in this pattern

 If not, the it is likely this should be replaced by ConvertValLogicalNameToDisplayName.
opName : string
Returns: string

DoesIdentifierNeedBackticks arg1

Full Usage: DoesIdentifierNeedBackticks arg1

    arg0 : string

Returns: bool
arg0 : string
Returns: bool


Full Usage: FSharpSignatureDataResourceName2

Returns: string
Returns: string

FormatAndOtherOverloadsString arg1

Full Usage: FormatAndOtherOverloadsString arg1

    arg0 : int

Returns: string
arg0 : int
Returns: string


Full Usage: FsiDynamicModulePrefix

Returns: string

The prefix of the names used for the fake namespace path added to all dynamic code entries in FSI.EXE

Returns: string

GetLongNameFromString arg1

Full Usage: GetLongNameFromString arg1

    arg0 : string

Returns: string list
arg0 : string
Returns: string list

IsActivePatternName name

Full Usage: IsActivePatternName name

    name : string

Returns: bool
 Determines if the specified name is a valid name for an active pattern.
     |A|_|        --> true
     |A|B|        --> true
     |A|          --> true
     |            --> false
     ||           --> false
     op_Addition  --> false

 TBD: needs unit testing
name : string
Returns: bool

IsCompilerGeneratedName nm

Full Usage: IsCompilerGeneratedName nm

    nm : string

Returns: bool
nm : string
Returns: bool

IsIdentifierFirstCharacter c

Full Usage: IsIdentifierFirstCharacter c

    c : char

Returns: bool

The characters that are allowed to be the first character of an identifier.

c : char
Returns: bool

IsIdentifierName name

Full Usage: IsIdentifierName name

    name : string

Returns: bool
 Is the name a valid F# identifier, primarily used internally in PrettyNaming.fs for determining if an
 identifier needs backticks.

 In general do not use this routine. It is only used in one quick fix, for determining if it is valid
 to add "_" in front of an identifier.

     A            --> true
     A'           --> true
     _A           --> true
     A0           --> true
     |A|B|        --> false
     op_Addition  --> true
     +            --> false
     let          --> false
     base         --> false

 TBD: needs unit testing
name : string
Returns: bool

IsIdentifierPartCharacter c

Full Usage: IsIdentifierPartCharacter c

    c : char

Returns: bool

The characters that are allowed to be in an identifier.

c : char
Returns: bool

IsLogicalInfixOpName logicalName

Full Usage: IsLogicalInfixOpName logicalName

    logicalName : string

Returns: bool
logicalName : string
Returns: bool

IsLogicalOpName logicalName

Full Usage: IsLogicalOpName logicalName

    logicalName : string

Returns: bool
 Is the name a logical operator name, including unary, binary and ternary operators
    op_UnaryPlus         - yes
    op_Addition          - yes
    op_Range             - yes (?)
    op_RangeStep         - yes (?)
    op_DynamicAssignment - yes
    op_Quack             - no
    +                    - no
    ABC                  - no
    ABC DEF              - no
    base                 - no
    |A|_|                - no
logicalName : string
Returns: bool

IsLogicalPrefixOperator logicalName

Full Usage: IsLogicalPrefixOperator logicalName

    logicalName : string

Returns: bool
logicalName : string
Returns: bool

IsLogicalTernaryOperator logicalName

Full Usage: IsLogicalTernaryOperator logicalName

    logicalName : string

Returns: bool
logicalName : string
Returns: bool

IsLongIdentifierPartCharacter c

Full Usage: IsLongIdentifierPartCharacter c

    c : char

Returns: bool

Is this character a part of a long identifier?

c : char
Returns: bool

IsOperatorDisplayName name

Full Usage: IsOperatorDisplayName name

    name : string

Returns: bool
 Returns `true` if given string is an operator display name, e.g.
    ( |>> )
name : string
Returns: bool

IsPunctuation s

Full Usage: IsPunctuation s

    s : string

Returns: bool
s : string
Returns: bool

NormalizeIdentifierBackticks name

Full Usage: NormalizeIdentifierBackticks name

    name : string

Returns: string
 Adds double backticks if necessary to make a valid identifier, e.g.
     op_Addition  -->  op_Addition
     +            -->  ``+``    (this is not op_Addition)
     |>>          -->  ``|>>``  (this is not an op_)
     A-B          -->  ``A-B``
     AB           -->  AB
     |A|_|        -->  |A|_|    this is an active pattern name, needs parens not backticks
 Removes double backticks if not necessary to make a valid identifier, e.g.
     ``A``        --> A
     ``A-B``      --> ``A-B``
name : string
Returns: string

TryChopPropertyName s

Full Usage: TryChopPropertyName s

    s : string

Returns: string option

Try to chop "get_" or "set_" from a string

s : string
Returns: string option

Type something to start searching.