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SynExpr Module

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Function or value Description

SynExpr.shouldBeParenthesizedInContext getSourceLineStr path expr

Full Usage: SynExpr.shouldBeParenthesizedInContext getSourceLineStr path expr

    getSourceLineStr : int -> string - A function for getting the text of a given source line.
    path : SyntaxVisitorPath - The expression's ancestor nodes.
    expr : SynExpr - The expression to check.

Returns: bool True if the given expression should be parenthesized in the given context, otherwise false.

Returns true if the given expression should be parenthesized in the given context, otherwise false.

getSourceLineStr : int -> string

A function for getting the text of a given source line.

path : SyntaxVisitorPath

The expression's ancestor nodes.

expr : SynExpr

The expression to check.

Returns: bool

True if the given expression should be parenthesized in the given context, otherwise false.

Type something to start searching.