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Range Type

Represents a range within a file

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.End

Returns: pos

The end position of the range

Returns: pos


Full Usage: this.EndColumn

Returns: int

The column number for the end position of the range

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.EndLine

Returns: int

The line number for the end position of the range

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.EndRange

Returns: range

The empty range that is located at the end position of the range

Returns: range


Full Usage: this.FileName

Returns: string

The file name for the file of the range

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.IsSynthetic

Returns: bool

Synthetic marks ranges which are produced by intermediate compilation phases. This bit signifies that the range covers something that should not be visible to language service operations like dot-completion.

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Start

Returns: pos

The start position of the range

Returns: pos


Full Usage: this.StartColumn

Returns: int

The start column of the range

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.StartLine

Returns: int

The start line of the range

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.StartRange

Returns: range

The empty range that is located at the start position of the range

Returns: range

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: Range.Zero

Returns: range

The range where all values are zero

Returns: range

Type something to start searching.