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Range Module

Functions and values

Function or value Description


Full Usage: comparer

Returns: IEqualityComparer<range>

Equality comparer for range.

Returns: IEqualityComparer<range>

equals arg1 arg2

Full Usage: equals arg1 arg2

Returns: bool
arg0 : range
arg1 : range
Returns: bool

mkFileIndexRange arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: mkFileIndexRange arg1 arg2 arg3

Returns: range

This view of range marks uses file indexes explicitly

arg0 : FileIndex
arg1 : pos
arg2 : pos
Returns: range

mkFirstLineOfFile arg1

Full Usage: mkFirstLineOfFile arg1

    arg0 : string

Returns: range

Make a range for the first non-whitespace line of the file if any. Otherwise use line 1 chars 0-80. This involves reading the file.

arg0 : string
Returns: range

mkRange arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: mkRange arg1 arg2 arg3

    arg0 : string
    arg1 : pos
    arg2 : pos

Returns: range

This view hides the use of file indexes and just uses filenames

arg0 : string
arg1 : pos
arg2 : pos
Returns: range

outputRange arg1 arg2

Full Usage: outputRange arg1 arg2


Output a range

arg0 : TextWriter
arg1 : range


Full Usage: posOrder

Returns: IComparer<pos>

Ordering on positions

Returns: IComparer<pos>


Full Usage: range0

Returns: range

The zero range

Returns: range

rangeBeforePos arg1 arg2

Full Usage: rangeBeforePos arg1 arg2

Returns: bool

Test to see if a range occurs fully before a position

arg0 : range
arg1 : pos
Returns: bool


Full Usage: rangeCmdArgs

Returns: range

A range associated with a dummy file for the command line arguments

Returns: range

rangeContainsPos arg1 arg2

Full Usage: rangeContainsPos arg1 arg2

Returns: bool

Test to see if a range contains a position

arg0 : range
arg1 : pos
Returns: bool

rangeContainsRange arg1 arg2

Full Usage: rangeContainsRange arg1 arg2

Returns: bool

Test to see if one range contains another range

arg0 : range
arg1 : range
Returns: bool

rangeN arg1 arg2

Full Usage: rangeN arg1 arg2

    arg0 : string
    arg1 : int

Returns: range

Make a dummy range for a file

arg0 : string
arg1 : int
Returns: range


Full Usage: rangeOrder

Returns: IComparer<range>

Order ranges (file, then start pos, then end pos)

Returns: IComparer<range>


Full Usage: rangeStartup

Returns: range

A range associated with a dummy file called "startup"

Returns: range

shiftEnd arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: shiftEnd arg1 arg2 arg3

    arg0 : int
    arg1 : int
    arg2 : range

Returns: range
arg0 : int
arg1 : int
arg2 : range
Returns: range

shiftStart arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: shiftStart arg1 arg2 arg3

    arg0 : int
    arg1 : int
    arg2 : range

Returns: range
arg0 : int
arg1 : int
arg2 : range
Returns: range

stringOfRange arg1

Full Usage: stringOfRange arg1

Returns: string

Convert a range to a string

arg0 : range
Returns: string

toFileZ arg1

Full Usage: toFileZ arg1

Returns: string * Range01

Convert a range from one-based line counting (used internally in the F# compiler and in F# error messages) to zero-based line counting (used by Visual Studio)

arg0 : range
Returns: string * Range01

toZ arg1

Full Usage: toZ arg1

Returns: Range01

Convert a range from one-based line counting (used internally in the F# compiler and in F# error messages) to zero-based line counting (used by Visual Studio)

arg0 : range
Returns: Range01

trimRangeToLine arg1

Full Usage: trimRangeToLine arg1

Returns: range

Reduce a range so it only covers a line

arg0 : range
Returns: range

unionRanges arg1 arg2

Full Usage: unionRanges arg1 arg2

Returns: range

Union two ranges, taking their first occurring start position and last occurring end position

arg0 : range
arg1 : range
Returns: range

withEnd arg1 arg2

Full Usage: withEnd arg1 arg2

Returns: range
arg0 : Position
arg1 : range
Returns: range

withStart arg1 arg2

Full Usage: withStart arg1 arg2

Returns: range
arg0 : Position
arg1 : range
Returns: range

withStartEnd arg1 arg2 arg3

Full Usage: withStartEnd arg1 arg2 arg3

Returns: range
arg0 : Position
arg1 : Position
arg2 : range
Returns: range

Type something to start searching.