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ILegacyReferenceResolver Type

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.DotNetFrameworkReferenceAssembliesRootDirectory

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

Get the Reference Assemblies directory for the .NET Framework (on Windows) This is added to the default resolution path for design-time compilations.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.HighestInstalledNetFrameworkVersion

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

Get the "v4.5.1"-style moniker for the highest installed .NET Framework version. This is the value passed back to Resolve if no explicit "mscorlib" has been given. Note: If an explicit "mscorlib" is given, then --noframework is being used, and the whole ReferenceResolver logic is essentially unused. However in the future an option may be added to allow an explicit specification of a .NET Framework version to use for scripts.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.Resolve

    resolutionEnvironment : LegacyResolutionEnvironment
    references : (string * string)[]
    targetFrameworkVersion : string
    targetFrameworkDirectories : string list
    targetProcessorArchitecture : string
    fsharpCoreDir : string
    explicitIncludeDirs : string list
    implicitIncludeDir : string
    logMessage : string -> unit
    logDiagnostic : bool -> string -> string -> unit

Returns: LegacyResolvedFile[]
Modifiers: abstract

Perform assembly resolution on the given references under the given conditions

resolutionEnvironment : LegacyResolutionEnvironment
references : (string * string)[]
targetFrameworkVersion : string
targetFrameworkDirectories : string list
targetProcessorArchitecture : string
fsharpCoreDir : string
explicitIncludeDirs : string list
implicitIncludeDir : string
logMessage : string -> unit
logDiagnostic : bool -> string -> string -> unit
Returns: LegacyResolvedFile[]

Type something to start searching.