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FSharpReferencedProjectSnapshot Type

Union cases

Union case Description

FSharpReference(projectOutputFile, snapshot)

Full Usage: FSharpReference(projectOutputFile, snapshot)

    projectOutputFile : string - The fully qualified path to the output of the referenced project. This should be the same value as the -r reference in the project options for this referenced project.
    snapshot : FSharpProjectSnapshot - Snapshot of the referenced F# project

A reference to an F# project. The physical data for it is stored/cached inside of the compiler service.

projectOutputFile : string

The fully qualified path to the output of the referenced project. This should be the same value as the -r reference in the project options for this referenced project.

snapshot : FSharpProjectSnapshot

Snapshot of the referenced F# project

ILModuleReference(projectOutputFile, getStamp, getReader)

Full Usage: ILModuleReference(projectOutputFile, getStamp, getReader)

    projectOutputFile : string - The fully qualified path to the output of the referenced project. This should be the same value as the -r reference in the project options for this referenced project.
    getStamp : unit -> DateTime - A function that calculates a last-modified timestamp for this reference. This will be used to determine if the reference is up-to-date.
    getReader : unit -> ILModuleReader - A function that creates an ILModuleReader for reading module data.

A reference to an ILModuleReader.

projectOutputFile : string

The fully qualified path to the output of the referenced project. This should be the same value as the -r reference in the project options for this referenced project.

getStamp : unit -> DateTime

A function that calculates a last-modified timestamp for this reference. This will be used to determine if the reference is up-to-date.

getReader : unit -> ILModuleReader

A function that creates an ILModuleReader for reading module data.

PEReference(getStamp, delayedReader)

Full Usage: PEReference(getStamp, delayedReader)

    getStamp : unit -> DateTime - A function that calculates a last-modified timestamp for this reference. This will be used to determine if the reference is up-to-date.
    delayedReader : DelayedILModuleReader - A function that opens a Portable Executable data stream for reading.

A reference to any portable executable, including F#. The stream is owned by this reference. The stream will be automatically disposed when there are no references to FSharpReferencedProject and is GC collected. Once the stream is evaluated, the function that constructs the stream will no longer be referenced by anything. If the stream evaluation throws an exception, it will be automatically handled.

getStamp : unit -> DateTime

A function that calculates a last-modified timestamp for this reference. This will be used to determine if the reference is up-to-date.

delayedReader : DelayedILModuleReader

A function that opens a Portable Executable data stream for reading.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.IsFSharpReference

Returns: bool
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsILModuleReference

Returns: bool
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsPEReference

Returns: bool
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.OutputFile

Returns: string

The fully qualified path to the output of the referenced project. This should be the same value as the -r reference in the project options for this referenced project.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.Version

Returns: byte array
Returns: byte array

Static members

Static member Description

FSharpReferencedProjectSnapshot.CreateFSharp(projectOutputFile, snapshot)

Full Usage: FSharpReferencedProjectSnapshot.CreateFSharp(projectOutputFile, snapshot)

    projectOutputFile : string - The fully qualified path to the output of the referenced project. This should be the same value as the -r reference in the project options for this referenced project.
    snapshot : FSharpProjectSnapshot - The project snapshot for this F# project

Returns: FSharpReferencedProjectSnapshot

Creates a reference for an F# project. The physical data for it is stored/cached inside of the compiler service.

projectOutputFile : string

The fully qualified path to the output of the referenced project. This should be the same value as the -r reference in the project options for this referenced project.

snapshot : FSharpProjectSnapshot

The project snapshot for this F# project

Returns: FSharpReferencedProjectSnapshot

Type something to start searching.