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IDependencyManagerProvider Type

Wraps access to a DependencyManager implementation

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.ClearResultsCache

Modifiers: abstract

Clear the results cache


Full Usage: this.HelpMessages

Returns: string[]
Modifiers: abstract

The help messages for this dependency manager instance

Returns: string[]


Full Usage: this.Key

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract
 Key that identifies the types of dependencies that this DependencyManager operates on
     nuget: indicates that this DM is for nuget packages
     paket: indicates that this DM is for paket scripts, which manage nuget packages, github source dependencies etc ...
Returns: string


Full Usage: this.Name

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

Name of the dependency manager

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.ResolveDependencies

    scriptDir : string
    mainScriptName : string
    scriptName : string
    scriptExt : string
    packageManagerTextLines : (string * string) seq
    tfm : string
    rid : string
    timeout : int

Returns: IResolveDependenciesResult
Modifiers: abstract

Resolve the dependencies, for the given set of arguments, go find the .dll references, scripts and additional include values.

scriptDir : string
mainScriptName : string
scriptName : string
scriptExt : string
packageManagerTextLines : (string * string) seq
tfm : string
rid : string
timeout : int
Returns: IResolveDependenciesResult

Type something to start searching.