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FSharpDisplayContext Type

Represents the information needed to format types and other information in a style suitable for use in F# source text at a particular source location. Acquired via GetDisplayEnvAtLocationAlternate and similar methods. May be passed to the Format method on FSharpType and other methods.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.WithPrefixGenericParameters

Returns: FSharpDisplayContext

Causes type signatures to be formatted with prefix-style generic parameters, for example `list`.

Returns: FSharpDisplayContext


Full Usage: this.WithShortTypeNames

    arg0 : bool

Returns: FSharpDisplayContext
arg0 : bool
Returns: FSharpDisplayContext


Full Usage: this.WithSuffixGenericParameters

Returns: FSharpDisplayContext

Causes type signatures to be formatted with suffix-style generic parameters, for example `int list`

Returns: FSharpDisplayContext

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: FSharpDisplayContext.Empty

Returns: FSharpDisplayContext

Type something to start searching.