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FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration Type

Represents a declaration in an implementation file, as seen by the F# language

Union cases

Union case Description

Entity(entity, declarations)

Full Usage: Entity(entity, declarations)


Represents the declaration of a type

entity : FSharpEntity
declarations : FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration list

InitAction action

Full Usage: InitAction action


Represents the declaration of a static initialization action

action : FSharpExpr

MemberOrFunctionOrValue(value, curriedArgs, body)

Full Usage: MemberOrFunctionOrValue(value, curriedArgs, body)


Represents the declaration of a member, function or value, including the parameters and body of the member

value : FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue
curriedArgs : FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue list list
body : FSharpExpr

Type something to start searching.