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FSharpSymbol Type

Represents a symbol in checked F# source code or a compiled .NET component. The subtype of the symbol may reveal further information and can be one of FSharpEntity, FSharpUnionCase FSharpField, FSharpGenericParameter, FSharpStaticParameter, FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue, FSharpParameter, or FSharpActivePatternCase.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Accessibility

Returns: FSharpAccessibility
Modifiers: abstract

Get the declared accessibility of the symbol, if any

Returns: FSharpAccessibility


Full Usage: this.Assembly

Returns: FSharpAssembly

Get the assembly declaring this symbol

Returns: FSharpAssembly


Full Usage: this.Attributes

Returns: IList<FSharpAttribute>
Modifiers: abstract

Get the attributes for the symbol, if any

Returns: IList<FSharpAttribute>


Full Usage: this.DeclarationLocation

Returns: range option

Get the declaration location for the symbol

Returns: range option


Full Usage: this.DisplayName

Returns: string

Gets the display name for the symbol. Double backticks are added if the name is not a valid identifier. For FSharpParameter symbols without a name for the paramater, this returns "````"

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.DisplayNameCore

Returns: string

Gets the display name for the symbol where double backticks are not added for non-identifiers

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.FullName

Returns: string

Get a textual representation of the full name of the symbol. The text returned for some symbols may not be a valid identifier path in F# code, but rather a human-readable representation of the symbol.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.GetEffectivelySameAsHash

Returns: int

A hash compatible with the IsEffectivelySameAs relation

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.HasAttribute

Returns: bool

Indicates if this symbol has an attribute matching the full name of the given type parameter

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.ImplementationLocation

Returns: range option

Get the implementation location for the symbol if it was declared in a signature that has an implementation

Returns: range option


Full Usage: this.IsAccessible

Returns: bool

Computes if the symbol is accessible for the given accessibility rights

arg0 : FSharpAccessibilityRights
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsEffectivelySameAs

Returns: bool

Return true if two symbols are effectively the same when referred to in F# source code text. This sees through signatures (a symbol in a signature will be considered effectively the same as the matching symbol in an implementation). In addition, other equivalences are applied when the same F# source text implies the same declaration name - for example, constructors are considered to be effectively the same symbol as the corresponding type definition. This is the relation used by GetUsesOfSymbol and GetUsesOfSymbolInFile.

other : FSharpSymbol
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsExplicitlySuppressed

Returns: bool
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.SignatureLocation

Returns: range option

Get the signature location for the symbol if it was declared in an implementation

Returns: range option


Full Usage: this.TryGetAttribute

Returns: FSharpAttribute option

Try to get an attribute matching the full name of the given type parameter

Returns: FSharpAttribute option

Type something to start searching.