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FSharpUnionCase Type

A subtype of FSharpSymbol that represents a union case as seen by the F# language

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.CompiledName

Returns: string

Get the name of the case in generated IL code

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.DeclarationLocation

Returns: range

Get the range of the name of the case

Returns: range


Full Usage: this.DeclaringEntity

Returns: FSharpEntity

Get the declaring entity of the case

Returns: FSharpEntity


Full Usage: this.Fields

Returns: IList<FSharpField>

Get the data carried by the case.

Returns: IList<FSharpField>


Full Usage: this.HasFields

Returns: bool

Indicates if the union case has field definitions

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsUnresolved

Returns: bool

Indicates if the union case is for a type in an unresolved assembly

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Name

Returns: string

Get the name of the union case

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.ReturnType

Returns: FSharpType

Get the type constructed by the case. Normally exactly the type of the enclosing type, sometimes an abbreviation of it

Returns: FSharpType


Full Usage: this.XmlDoc

Returns: FSharpXmlDoc

Get the XML documentation for the entity

Returns: FSharpXmlDoc


Full Usage: this.XmlDocSig

Returns: string

Get the XML documentation signature for .xml file lookup for the union case, used for .xml file lookup for compiled code

Returns: string

Type something to start searching.