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SynModuleSigDecl Type

Represents a definition within a module or namespace in a signature file

Union cases

Union case Description

Exception(exnSig, range)

Full Usage: Exception(exnSig, range)


An exception definition within a module or namespace in a signature file

exnSig : SynExceptionSig
range : range

HashDirective(hashDirective, range)

Full Usage: HashDirective(hashDirective, range)


A hash directive within a module or namespace in a signature file

hashDirective : ParsedHashDirective
range : range

ModuleAbbrev(ident, longId, range)

Full Usage: ModuleAbbrev(ident, longId, range)


A module abbreviation definition within a module or namespace in a signature file

ident : Ident
longId : LongIdent
range : range

A namespace fragment within a namespace in a signature file

Item : SynModuleOrNamespaceSig

NestedModule(moduleInfo, isRecursive, moduleDecls, range, trivia)

Full Usage: NestedModule(moduleInfo, isRecursive, moduleDecls, range, trivia)


A nested module definition within a module or namespace in a signature file

moduleInfo : SynComponentInfo
isRecursive : bool
moduleDecls : SynModuleSigDecl list
range : range
trivia : SynModuleSigDeclNestedModuleTrivia

Open(target, range)

Full Usage: Open(target, range)


An 'open' definition within a module or namespace in a signature file

target : SynOpenDeclTarget
range : range

Types(types, range)

Full Usage: Types(types, range)


A set of one or more type definitions within a module or namespace in a signature file

types : SynTypeDefnSig list
range : range

Val(valSig, range)

Full Usage: Val(valSig, range)


A 'val' definition within a module or namespace in a signature file, corresponding to a 'let' definition in the implementation

valSig : SynValSig
range : range

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Range

Returns: range

Gets the syntax range of this construct

Returns: range

Type something to start searching.