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FSharpCheckFileResults Type

A handle to the results of CheckFileInProject.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.DependencyFiles

Returns: string[]

Indicates the set of files which must be watched to accurately track changes that affect these results, Clients interested in reacting to updates to these files should watch these files and take actions as described in the documentation for compiler service.

Returns: string[]


Full Usage: this.Diagnostics

Returns: FSharpDiagnostic[]

The errors returned by parsing a source file.

Returns: FSharpDiagnostic[]


Full Usage: this.GenerateSignature

    ?pageWidth : int

Returns: ISourceText option

Lays out and returns the formatted signature for the typechecked file as source text.

?pageWidth : int
Returns: ISourceText option


Full Usage: this.GetAllUsesOfAllSymbolsInFile

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse seq

Get all textual usages of all symbols throughout the file

?cancellationToken : CancellationToken
Returns: FSharpSymbolUse seq


Full Usage: this.GetDeclarationListInfo

    parsedFileResults : FSharpParseFileResults option - If this is present, it is used to filter declarations based on location in the parse tree, specifically at 'open' declarations, 'inherit' of class or interface 'record field' locations and r.h.s. of 'range' operator a..b
    line : int - The line number where the completion is happening
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the completion is happening. This is only used to make a couple of adhoc corrections to completion accuracy (e.g. checking for "..")
    partialName : PartialLongName - Partial long name. QuickParse.GetPartialLongNameEx can be used to get it.
    ?getAllEntities : unit -> AssemblySymbol list - Function that returns all entities from current and referenced assemblies.
    ?completionContextAtPos : pos * CompletionContext option - Completion context for a particular position computed in advance.

Returns: DeclarationListInfo

Get the items for a declaration list

parsedFileResults : FSharpParseFileResults option

If this is present, it is used to filter declarations based on location in the parse tree, specifically at 'open' declarations, 'inherit' of class or interface 'record field' locations and r.h.s. of 'range' operator a..b

line : int

The line number where the completion is happening

lineText : string

The text of the line where the completion is happening. This is only used to make a couple of adhoc corrections to completion accuracy (e.g. checking for "..")

partialName : PartialLongName

Partial long name. QuickParse.GetPartialLongNameEx can be used to get it.

?getAllEntities : unit -> AssemblySymbol list

Function that returns all entities from current and referenced assemblies.

?completionContextAtPos : pos * CompletionContext option

Completion context for a particular position computed in advance.

Returns: DeclarationListInfo


Full Usage: this.GetDeclarationListSymbols

    parsedFileResults : FSharpParseFileResults option - If this is present, it is used to filter declarations based on location in the parse tree, specifically at 'open' declarations, 'inherit' of class or interface 'record field' locations and r.h.s. of 'range' operator a..b
    line : int - The line number where the completion is happening
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the completion is happening. This is only used to make a couple of adhoc corrections to completion accuracy (e.g. checking for "..")
    partialName : PartialLongName - Partial long name. QuickParse.GetPartialLongNameEx can be used to get it.
    ?getAllEntities : unit -> AssemblySymbol list - Function that returns all entities from current and referenced assemblies.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse list list

Get the items for a declaration list in FSharpSymbol format

parsedFileResults : FSharpParseFileResults option

If this is present, it is used to filter declarations based on location in the parse tree, specifically at 'open' declarations, 'inherit' of class or interface 'record field' locations and r.h.s. of 'range' operator a..b

line : int

The line number where the completion is happening

lineText : string

The text of the line where the completion is happening. This is only used to make a couple of adhoc corrections to completion accuracy (e.g. checking for "..")

partialName : PartialLongName

Partial long name. QuickParse.GetPartialLongNameEx can be used to get it.

?getAllEntities : unit -> AssemblySymbol list

Function that returns all entities from current and referenced assemblies.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse list list


Full Usage: this.GetDeclarationLocation

    line : int - The line number where the information is being requested.
    colAtEndOfNames : int - The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the information is being requested.
    names : string list - The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.
    ?preferFlag : bool - If not given, then get the location of the symbol. If false, then prefer the location of the corresponding symbol in the implementation of the file (rather than the signature if present). If true, prefer the location of the corresponding symbol in the signature of the file (rather than the implementation).

Returns: FindDeclResult

Resolve the names at the given location to the declaration location of the corresponding construct.

line : int

The line number where the information is being requested.

colAtEndOfNames : int

The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.

lineText : string

The text of the line where the information is being requested.

names : string list

The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

?preferFlag : bool

If not given, then get the location of the symbol. If false, then prefer the location of the corresponding symbol in the implementation of the file (rather than the signature if present). If true, prefer the location of the corresponding symbol in the signature of the file (rather than the implementation).

Returns: FindDeclResult


Full Usage: this.GetDescription

Returns: ToolTipText

Compute a formatted tooltip for the given symbol at position

symbol : FSharpSymbol

The symbol.

inst : (FSharpGenericParameter * FSharpType) list

Generic arguments.

displayFullName : bool

Display the symbol full name.

range : range

The position.

Returns: ToolTipText


Full Usage: this.GetDisplayContextForPos

    cursorPos : pos

Returns: FSharpDisplayContext option

Find the most precise display environment for the given line and column.

cursorPos : pos
Returns: FSharpDisplayContext option


Full Usage: this.GetF1Keyword

    line : int - The line number where the information is being requested.
    colAtEndOfNames : int - The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the information is being requested.
    names : string list - The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: string option

Compute the Visual Studio F1-help key identifier for the given location, based on name resolution results

line : int

The line number where the information is being requested.

colAtEndOfNames : int

The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.

lineText : string

The text of the line where the information is being requested.

names : string list

The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: string option


Full Usage: this.GetFormatSpecifierLocationsAndArity

Returns: (range * int)[]

Get the locations of and number of arguments associated with format specifiers

Returns: (range * int)[]


Full Usage: this.GetKeywordTooltip

    names : string list - The keywords at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: ToolTipText

Compute a formatted tooltip for the given keywords

names : string list

The keywords at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: ToolTipText


Full Usage: this.GetMethods

    line : int - The line number where the information is being requested.
    colAtEndOfNames : int - The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the information is being requested.
    names : string list option - The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: MethodGroup

Compute a set of method overloads to show in a dialog relevant to the given code location.

line : int

The line number where the information is being requested.

colAtEndOfNames : int

The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.

lineText : string

The text of the line where the information is being requested.

names : string list option

The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: MethodGroup


Full Usage: this.GetMethodsAsSymbols

    line : int - The line number where the information is being requested.
    colAtEndOfNames : int - The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the information is being requested.
    names : string list - The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse list option

Compute a set of method overloads to show in a dialog relevant to the given code location. The resulting method overloads are returned as symbols.

line : int

The line number where the information is being requested.

colAtEndOfNames : int

The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.

lineText : string

The text of the line where the information is being requested.

names : string list

The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse list option


Full Usage: this.GetSemanticClassification

Returns: SemanticClassificationItem[]

Get any extra colorization info that is available after the typecheck

arg0 : range option
Returns: SemanticClassificationItem[]


Full Usage: this.GetSymbolUseAtLocation

    line : int - The line number where the information is being requested.
    colAtEndOfNames : int - The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the information is being requested.
    names : string list - The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse option

Resolve the names at the given location to a use of symbol.

line : int

The line number where the information is being requested.

colAtEndOfNames : int

The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.

lineText : string

The text of the line where the information is being requested.

names : string list

The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse option


Full Usage: this.GetSymbolUsesAtLocation

    line : int - The line number where the information is being requested.
    colAtEndOfNames : int - The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the information is being requested.
    names : string list - The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse list

Similar to GetSymbolUseAtLocation, but returns all found symbols if there are multiple.

line : int

The line number where the information is being requested.

colAtEndOfNames : int

The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.

lineText : string

The text of the line where the information is being requested.

names : string list

The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse list


Full Usage: this.GetToolTip

    line : int - The line number where the information is being requested.
    colAtEndOfNames : int - The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.
    lineText : string - The text of the line where the information is being requested.
    names : string list - The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.
    tokenTag : int - Used to discriminate between 'identifiers', 'strings' and others. For strings, an attempt is made to give a tooltip for a #r "..." location. Use a value from FSharpTokenInfo.Tag, or FSharpTokenTag.Identifier, unless you have other information available.
    ?width : int - The optional width that the layout gets squashed to.

Returns: ToolTipText

Compute a formatted tooltip for the given location

line : int

The line number where the information is being requested.

colAtEndOfNames : int

The column number at the end of the identifiers where the information is being requested.

lineText : string

The text of the line where the information is being requested.

names : string list

The identifiers at the location where the information is being requested.

tokenTag : int

Used to discriminate between 'identifiers', 'strings' and others. For strings, an attempt is made to give a tooltip for a #r "..." location. Use a value from FSharpTokenInfo.Tag, or FSharpTokenTag.Identifier, unless you have other information available.

?width : int

The optional width that the layout gets squashed to.

Returns: ToolTipText


Full Usage: this.GetUsesOfSymbolInFile

Returns: FSharpSymbolUse[]

Get the textual usages that resolved to the given symbol throughout the file

symbol : FSharpSymbol
?cancellationToken : CancellationToken
Returns: FSharpSymbolUse[]


Full Usage: this.HasFullTypeCheckInfo

Returns: bool

Indicates whether type checking successfully occurred with some results returned. If false, indicates that an unrecoverable error in earlier checking/parsing/resolution steps.

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.ImplementationFile

Returns: FSharpImplementationFileContents option

Represents complete typechecked implementation file, including its typechecked signatures if any.

Returns: FSharpImplementationFileContents option


Full Usage: this.IsRelativeNameResolvableFromSymbol

Returns: bool

Determines if a long ident is resolvable at a specific point.

cursorPos : pos
plid : string list
symbol : FSharpSymbol
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.OpenDeclarations

Returns: FSharpOpenDeclaration[]

Open declarations in the file, including auto open modules.

Returns: FSharpOpenDeclaration[]


Full Usage: this.PartialAssemblySignature

Returns: FSharpAssemblySignature

Get a view of the contents of the assembly up to and including the file just checked

Returns: FSharpAssemblySignature


Full Usage: this.ProjectContext

Returns: FSharpProjectContext

Get the resolution of the ProjectOptions

Returns: FSharpProjectContext

Type something to start searching.