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ParameterLocations Type

Represents the locations relevant to activating parameter info in an IDE

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.ArgumentLocations

Returns: TupledArgumentLocation[]

Array of locations for each argument, and a flag if that argument is named

Returns: TupledArgumentLocation[]


Full Usage: this.IsThereACloseParen

Returns: bool

Is false if either this is a call without parens "f x" or the parser recovered as in "f(x,y"

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.LongId

Returns: string list

The text of the long identifier prior to the open-parentheses

Returns: string list


Full Usage: this.LongIdEndLocation

Returns: pos

The end location of long identifier prior to the open-parentheses

Returns: pos


Full Usage: this.LongIdStartLocation

Returns: pos

The start location of long identifier prior to the open-parentheses

Returns: pos


Full Usage: this.NamedParamNames

Returns: string option[]

Either empty or a name if an actual named parameter; f(0,a=4,?b=None) would be [|None; Some "a"; Some "b"|]

Returns: string option[]


Full Usage: this.OpenParenLocation

Returns: pos

The location of the open-parentheses

Returns: pos


Full Usage: this.TupleEndLocations

Returns: pos[]

The locations of commas and close parenthesis (or, last char of last arg, if no final close parenthesis)

Returns: pos[]

Static members

Static member Description

ParameterLocations.Find(arg1, arg2)

Full Usage: ParameterLocations.Find(arg1, arg2)

Returns: ParameterLocations option

Find the information about parameter info locations at a particular source location

arg0 : pos
arg1 : ParsedInput
Returns: ParameterLocations option

Type something to start searching.