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PreXmlDoc Type

Represents the XmlDoc fragments as collected from the lexer during parsing

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.IsEmpty

Returns: bool

Indicates if the PreXmlDoc is non-empty

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Range

Returns: Range

Get the overall range of the PreXmlDoc

Returns: Range


Full Usage: this.ToXmlDoc

    check : bool
    paramNamesOpt : string list option

Returns: XmlDoc

Process and check the PreXmlDoc, checking with respect to the given parameter names

check : bool
paramNamesOpt : string list option
Returns: XmlDoc

Static members

Static member Description

PreXmlDoc.Create(unprocessedLines, range)

Full Usage: PreXmlDoc.Create(unprocessedLines, range)

    unprocessedLines : string[]
    range : range

Returns: PreXmlDoc

Create a PreXmlDoc from a collection of unprocessed lines

unprocessedLines : string[]
range : range
Returns: PreXmlDoc


Full Usage: PreXmlDoc.Empty

Returns: PreXmlDoc

Get the empty PreXmlDoc

Returns: PreXmlDoc

PreXmlDoc.Merge(a) (b)

Full Usage: PreXmlDoc.Merge(a) (b)

Returns: PreXmlDoc

Merge two PreXmlDoc

a : PreXmlDoc
b : PreXmlDoc
Returns: PreXmlDoc

Type something to start searching.